Maze Runner

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A/N: This oneshot was inspired by superwholockedmizzie

There will be a couple of small spoilers to the movie 'The Mazer Runner." So if you already watched it, read ahead. If you haven't, if recommend that you watch it first, it'll make a lot more sense!

Also, to people that have watched this movie/read this book, this is taking place way before Tomas shows up.

That's it, read on young Phanny Pack!

Dan's POV

My eyes shot opened an I gasped for air. I choked and coughed, hitting myself in the chest to try and start breathing normally again.

My breathing slowed, but then sped back up as I realized I had no idea where I was or what I was doing. I couldn't remember a thing either.

I looked around, there were crates surrounding me everywhere, and in one cage there were a couple of chickens. They pecked at me and shakes loudly, and I jumped back, terrified of them, and the unlit elevator/box I appeared to be stuck in.

I had no idea what was happening, and I couldn't remember anything. Not even my own name.

The elevator came to a stop, and I winced, crawling into a small corner of the large metal box as it jumped up, and then back down slightly.

Two hatches above me opened on either side, and I turned away from the bright light of the sun. Luckily, my eyes dilated and got used to bright light in a matter of seconds. I looked up, and a couple of boys stood above me, looking down. Then more, and more, and more until the entire rim of the box was covered by boys, all in their teens.

I just looked a them all, horrified, and crawled back even farther. Then, they all started cheering, and screaming. I though they were screaming at me.

The only word to describe how I was feeling was scared. I was purely scared, confused, and shocked.

"Hey!" I heard one of the boys yell, and everybody quieted down slightly. They all watched, someone who I couldn't see yet, walk to the hole where I was lying.

A boy with jet black hair that fell into a fringe with big blue eyes and pale skin walked to the edge, wearing an upset look. "You guys are scaring him. He's confused and terrified so you better shut up. Remember how you felt when you first came here? Wouldn't be fun for people to have screamed at you either, huh?" All the boys give each other confused looks.

I looked at the boy with blue eyes, and he got down on one knee. He held out his hand and said, "It's ok. I'll explain it all if you come out." I didn't say anything, so I just scooted back further, if that was even possible.

"Come on, now." he said softly, and climbed into the elevator with me. I whimpered, "What's going on?" And he just smiled. "I'll tell you if you get out of here with me." he held out his hand again.

I looked to my hand, then his, then his eyes, and back to his hand. I held my arm out slightly, pulling back a bit, and then deciding to just reach out. He gently grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

He helped me climb out, and then he got out himself. "Boys, do your part and get everything out of here as efficiently as possible. Stay away from the newbie until I say other wise." He turned around, standing between me and the giant crowd of boys. They all nodded, and some jumped in, beginning pulling things and crates out.

"Come on, this way." The blue eyes boy motions for me to follow him. I did, looking around.

"Why are there so many walls?" I asked him. "Because, behind them, there's a massive maze. The 'runners' everyday, go in trying to find a way out of here. They've been at it for a while, two years almost." Phil informed me. "Wait? We're stuck here? And why can I remember anything? What's my name? Where are the so many boys? And why-" I began rambling before he stopped me. "Hey hey hey, shh. I'll explain everything. And don't worry, you'll remember your name soon." "What about my past-how I got here, and other things like family. Did I not have a family?!" "I'm sure you had a family, newbie. You can't remember anything because they won't let us." "They?" "Yeah. 'They' don't let us remember anything besides our names." "Oh, ok..." I sighed, putting the hands in the pockets of my black jacket that I forgot where it came from.

"Hey, newbie." A kid with curly black hair and green eyes grabbed my shoulder. I jolted away, stumbling slightly, and whimpered. "Hey, what do I say earlier?" Blue-eyes yelled at him defensive. He held his hands up, "Woah, dude. I'm sorry, alright?" Blue-eyes went into a whisper o could barely hear, "He's... he's like Chris when he first got here. Remember how scared he was and how long it took for him to trust us?" "Yeah, but I just-" "No buts. Please, leave me alone with him. He's scared." "Ok, whatever you say your highness." He began to walk away. Blue-eyes playfully punched him in the arm, and chuckled.

"Sorry about him." Blue-eyes apologized, and we began walking again. "It's ok," I said quietly. "What's your name?" "Phil. Do you remember your name yet?" "No... I don't. when will I?" "In a few hours. Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone if you'd like?" "No. I just want to be alone for a little while." "Well, let's go hide out in the forest for a little while, yeah?" "O-Ok.." I agreed, and follows him.

"Race ya' there!" He suddenly shouted, and I laughed, chasing after him. Once we got to the edge of the trees, he tilted his head back and howled like a wolf. "What are you doing?" I laughed, out of breath. He smiled, also out of breath, and said, "Its my thing. Try it-it's fun." So I did. I tilted m head back, and looked at the sky before giving my strongest howl. "Nice one." Phil complimented. "Is that our thing now?" I chuckled, and we walked into the forest, right beside each other. "Yep! Howling's our thing now." he laughed, and patted my shoulder.

After a while, when it finally became sundown, Phil and I left the forest. I saw, near where the small group of man-made huts were stacked, there was a fire, and several boys fighting. Like siblings, though. They didn't seem to be getting seriously hurt or anything, which I found slightly more comforting.

Phil guided me over there, and we raced back. We laughed as we ran beside each other, our feet pounding in the dirt, and out hair in the wind.

The other boys seemed to notice our quick feet, and started pointing and smiling at me. Phil and I reached the front of the group, and tiled our heads back, howling at the moon. Everyone cheered, an we all laughed together until it got quiet.

I stared at Phil, smiling, until I remembered something. "Daniel." I whispered, "Dan." "What?" Phil asked from beside me. "Daniel... Dan." "Oi, who's Dan." a Bo from in front of my said. "Me, I'm Dan! I'm Dan!" I shook the strangers shoulders, and everyone smiled and cheered again.

"What's your last name?" Phil asked, and I just smiled for a few seconds. "Dan... I'm Daniel Howell." I looked at him seriously. He looked stunned, but ten laughed and tilted his was back again. The other boy all joined him, and I did too, holding at the moon like the rest of them.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

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