Sleepy Philly

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Phil's POV
Dan and I had invited PJ, Louise, and some of our other friends over this weekend. We were just throwing a small get together. No biggy.

But before the party, I had woken up extremely early due to a nightmare, making me absolutely exhausted later in that day.

"Phil, want a coffee? I know you're tired and-" I cut Dan off, standing up from the couch. "No, I'll be alright." I faked a smile. Suddenly the doorbell rang, and Dan pecked my lips before going out to answer the door. "Hi Peej!" I heard Dan yell from downstairs.

One by one, everybody arrived, and all had settled down to play a board game of some sort at our dining table. I can barely remember what it's called, though. For gods sake I can barely play the stupid game because I keep losing focus.

"I quit. I'm sorry, guys." I sighed finally, falling over slightly, and into Dan. I rested my head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead as I closed my eyes. "It's ok, Lion." he whispered. "Yes, Phil. Please, go and get some rest." Louise smiled, patting my knee lightly. "No, no. I'll be fine. I wanna know who wins." I fake another smile. "Phil, you're going in and out of consciousness. Go get some sleep." Zoey insisted. "Well...I'll just sleep on the couch if that's ok." "Of course, Lion." Dan smiled at me, and kissed me softly. I kissed back quickly before pulling away and standing up from the dining table. "Phil, I love you." Dan turned around just as they began playing again. "I love you too." I yawned, flopping into the couch.

Dan's POV

"Phil, I love you." I turned around just as PJ was going to make a move. "I love you too." Phil yawned and flopped onto the couch sleepily. He's so cute.

We kept playing until I heard his light snores from behind me. "Bloody idiot." I laughed, standing up. "What?" Alfie asked, confused. "Phil, I mean. He can't just sleep on the couch. I'll move him to his bed." "No, Dan, stay here. He'll be fine on his own. He's Phil, not a five year old." Chris said. "Well, he's my 'not a five year old' and I'm gonna move him to his bed." I declared and stood up, slightly upset he said that. I don't know why, though. Maybe I was offended, but none the less, I walked over to the couch as they all watched me.

I gently slipped two hands under Phil, and lifted him up. He groaned, and move about a bit in my arms. "Shh-shh, it's ok. Calm down, lion." I whispered, kissing him gently. He instantly calmed down, and went back to being completely asleep.

"It's like you've got a magic touch or something." PJ laughed. "Maybe I do." I winked jokingly, and started off down the hallway.

Once I placed Phil in his bed, he rolled around a bit, and got himself comfortable.

"Night, little lion." I kissed him. He smiled slightly and let out a small noise. I chuckled and went back out to the lounge.

"Mate, sorry 'bout what I said. Didn't know I upset you." Chris instantly apologized. "Im sorry too, I shouldn't have gotten upset over something so stupid." I sat down, slightly embarrassed. "You know, if someone gets easily defensive over somebody, that means they love them more than anything." PJ smiled, one eyebrow raised.

I sat down in my chair and looked down, smiling and blushing slightly. "I also heard that if somebody gets overly defensive about one person that means they're afraid to lose them, and if they did their world would be over." Louise smirked.

I was blushing really hard now. "Guys." I looked up, laughing slightly. They all laughed bak at me. "Aww, you really love him, don't you." Zoey smile. "Yeah...yeah, I do."

"I love you too." I felt two arms slip around my neck. "Phil?!" I jumped back slightly, and Phil laughed at me. "What?" He chuckled. I sighed, "Oh, nothing, you big goof." I leaned in and kissed him slowly, which he gladly returned. "Oi, get a room!" Alfie joked. "They'd probably fuck right here if it got too intense." Chis elbowed Alfie jokingly.
Later that night, once everyone was gone, Phil and I just snuggled, and it was perfect.

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