From Slave to Prince (b)

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Dan's POV

I peeled my eyes open, and looked around my room. Everything, as usual, was dull, besides the bright pink card on top of my sheets. I lifted the small letter off my chest, and sat up. I opened it, and saw it was another note from Prince Phillip.

It read, "Dear Dan,
So I see you've got my latest letter. Hope Chris wasn't too much trouble when he gave it to you. I hate to think he'd tease you about it. I wrote another small "poem". Here goes,
I literally crave affection, and it's not about sex. It's about having someone to cuddle with me, and lay their head on my chest. I crave kisses, and holding hands, and rubbing my thumb across their's. Just looking at someone and thinking, "how did I get this lucky."
So, I have a task for you. Please, through the help of any servant you chose, please return a letter. I really want to know if you feel the same way as me. When I send you a letter back, it will give you a card with information and instructions on it. You can chose weather to follow the instructions or not.
Love, Phil :)"

I smiled at the note. I couldn't believe this. He likes me. He really likes me!
As quickly as possible, I got dressed, then checked the clock. It would be two more hours until the royal family got up.

I got a small piece of paper and wrote with a black pen, "Dear Prince Phillip,
Thank you ever so kindly for the letter. I'm a bit bad a guessing games, but I believe that you're implying that you like me, more then a servant, and more then a friend.
Yes, I do feel the same way, but I have some questions.
1. When did you start to like me?
2. Why did you write me a note and not tell me in person?
3. Are the king and queen ok with this?
So that's it,
Love, Dan."
I put it in a plain white envelope I found lying around in the wardrobe of junk, and put it in my pocket.

Later that day, I gave PJ the letter, and he reported back to me that Phil accepted it with excitement, and, as Peej defines, "A glimmer in his eyes."

God, who knows what the instructions and information are on the next note he sends. I thought as I laid in bed later that night. I really hope he likes me, more then a friend.

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