Mario Kart

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Phil's POV

"Haha! One more point for Danny!" Dan shouted in my face, for the millionth time, and then danced around in victory. "This isn't fun anymore. You keep winning." I complained, turning my controller off. "Aww, is someone a little jealous?" Dan said in a baby-voice. "No." I replied thickly. "You're just sad you can't win against me." he poked me with his controller in the ribs. "No I'm not!" I snapped suddenly, sick of hearing him tease me, standing up. Dan looked slightly scared at my sudden change in mood, "I-... Babe, I was just messing with you." "Yeah, well I've had enough of you and you're selfishness." I replied rudely. "Phil, you're being an idiot. It's a damn game for god's sake." "I don't care if it was a game or the freaking cactus from earlier! You always make fun of me and I'm so done with it!" I finally spat in his face, ready to storm out any second. "Well then fuck you too!" He screamed, as that was it.

I stormed out, slamming the door in Dan's face as he followed me, and ran into my room. I slammed my door too, locked it, and then sat on my bed. My elbows were on my knees, my head was down, and was just about to rip my hair out.

Though my mind said anger my body said fear. I have never done something like that to Dan before, and now he probably hates me. My body shook while my face was red, but I was scared.

Dan's POV

Phil stormed out and I suddenly felt so bad for the teasing and yelling. I tried to chase after him, but he slammed the door in my face. I could just barely hear his bedroom door slam over the loud music that was Mario Kart.

"You fucking stupid game!" I shouted, and kicked the futon. I let out another scream, then suddenly felt weak and calm, but still angry; both at Phil, and myself.

I turned off the game and the controllers, deciding that I'd just give Phil the cold shoulder and see what happens.

Phil's POV

After about two hours of being on the verge of tears from anger, I decided to apologize for my stupidity.

"Dan?" I called through the house, but there was no response.

I walked through the hallway and into the lounge. "Dan?" I asked quietly, and he was sat on the sofa with his laptop open. "Dan, look, I'm so sorry for what I did. It was stupid and I really, really, regret it." he didn't respond. He didn't even flinch or look up when I walked in, and now he wasn't responding to me apologizing. "Please Dan, I just wanna make it up to you. Is there anything I can do?" I begged. He just shrugged. He shrugged at me saying I'm sorry and that I'd do anything to make it up to him.

I really messed up.

"Look, I know you probably hate me now, and that stupid thing I said may have meant our relationship and friendship, but I'm just so, so, so, so, so so, sorry. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I don't wanna lose you over a game about two plumbers." I said, slightly joking about the last bit. He giggled a bit, but then covered his mouth and put on a poker face as he lowered his hand again.

Dan's POV

God, I hate having fights with Phil. I just want to snuggle and cuddle with him right now, but no. Now I have to sit in the lounge alone in self pity and self hate because I did something so stupid. I should have just let him win or something. I shouldn't have bragged like that.

"Look, I know you probably hate me now, and that may have meant our relationship and friendship, but I'm just so, so, so, sorry. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I don't wanna lose you over a game about two plumbers." Phil said. I nearly burst out laughing before I put my hand over my mouth and went dead silent again.

We sat like that was for about two minutes before I turned to him. "I'm sorry." I whispered incoherently. I hated apologizing. I don't know why, though, I guess it's just a foible of mine.

"I know. It's ok to be sorry." Phil smiled, and wrapped his arms around me lovingly. "Can we go cuddle now?" I asked, and he nodded with a big grin.

We walked into his bedroom and I laid down on his bed under the warm blankets. He wrapped his arms around me, and I snuggled into his chest taking in the warmth and sweetness.

"I don't like when we get in fights." I said quietly. "Aww, you sound so adorable," Phil said before speaking up ever so slightly. "I don't like when we get in fights either. And by the way, I didn't mean what I said about you being selfish earlier." "I know. And I wasn't speaking literally when I said you're an idiot." I said looking up at him. "Literally." Phil said in a deep, stereotypical British accent, making fun or me being so articulate. "Shut up." I hit his chest playfully, smiling like an idiot.

He leaned down and kissed me gently before pulling away and pecking at my forehead.

"I love you." he said yawning tiredly. "I love you too." I chuckled back, and kissed his cheek.

A/N: hey, guys. So I was just wondering, do you even like these pictures/edits I put at the beginning of these oneshots? Because if you don't like them, I can take them all down no problem. For. Forget to leave those suggestions and ideas behind. Anyway, I guess that's it. TTFN

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