Pups (B)

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Dans POV

Phil and I sat in the waiting room of the hospital while the fox human hybrid, now we know is Shayla, was giving birth to five pups. She said she didn't want to see either of our faces as long as she lived, so the doctors made us leave. We were going to be brought up stairs once the babies were born and he left a certain amount behind. The doctors said that she was allowed to take some and leave others, and we would have whom ever was left. The ones left will legally be ours.

"What will she name them?" Phil asked me in the silence of the plain room. "I think we're gonna name them, Phil." I chuckled slightly. "Do you think they're all okay?" He asked again. I wrapped an arm around his waist and kissed his temple, "Phil, they'll be fine. Don't be so anxious, alright? We're gonna be great dads." He seemed reassured, but still cuddled up and into my side.

We waited another thirty minutes before we wee paged upstairs. A nurse escorted us and I held Phil's small hand as we walked. "Third floor room twenty seven." The woman said, opening the elevator for us. "Thank you." I nodded at her, speaking for Phil as we stepped in.

I pet Phil's large ears and rubbing his back as we went up. What fox liked elevators?

We eventually made it into the room and were instantly greeted by a doctor. He said, "Hello, I'm Doctor Adams. Are you Dan and Phil?" "Yeah, I'm Dan, this is Phil. How many babies did she leave behind?" I asked, getting straight to the point. I just want to see them already. "Uh, well, all five. She just wanted them out of her stomach and gone forever." He shrugged. Phil looked at me with his giant blue eyes. He looked extremely sorry and more regretful than anyone I've ever met.

"Okay, we can handle it," I kissed Phil's forehead to comfort him before turning back to the doctor, "May we see them?" "Of course." He nodded and smiled.

He brought us around a curtain and there were five incubators next to each other, and four total nurses taking care of them.

"This was the first born, a little boy." Doctor Adams walked to the one most left. We followed him and looked over head at the small baby wrapped in his blue towel. I instantly smiled and don't even try to hold it back. "What's his name?" Phil asked. "She don't name any of them. She just birthed and left. It's up to you to name them all." He said. "Oh." I replied, "You'll give us a few minutes to find and think of names, right?" I asked him. "Of course. How ever long it takes." He said before moving on to the incubator to the left of that one.

"This was the next born, a girl." He said. She already had large fox ears on her head while the other baby had a hat on. "Awe." Phil said allowed and I smiled at him before going back to the girl. They were all very clearly fox mixes and had ears proportioned to their heads.

The next born was also a girl, the next was a boy, and after him was the final girl. Two boys and three girls.

"Well, I'll let you two boys alone in here until you think of good baby names." He nodded as the other nurses all fled from behind us, probably going to another room to help more children. "Yes, thank you." I nodded, and soon it was only Phil and I with the babies.

"Got any name ideas?" I turned to him. He nodded slowly before staying, "I already have a name for all of them." I have a surprised expression before asking, "Okay. Care to share them?"

He went from the most left to the most right, pointing to each baby, "Duncan, Alice, Eva, Charles, and Grace." I nodded as I watched him. The were honestly really good names. "I like them all. How did you think so quickly?" I asked. "I dunno, I just looked at their faces and thought of the first names that and to mind." He shrugged. "Well they're all perfect." I pecked his lips before going into the hallway and telling the doctor we were done.

After a while he helped us make their birth certificates, which he gave to us in a large box with a key on it, and the brides brought up a baby carrying cart. On the bottom there were two carriers and on the top there were two carriers. We put Duncan and Alice together, and Grace and Eva together while I carried Charlie.

We got them all home safely and securely. We had to make some baby beds out of household things like laundry baskets and blankets for two children since we though thy three was the max she would allow us to have. We would do to the store soon, but for now we were making it.

This was the beginning of our family's life together, and me and Phil were more excited than ever.

A/N: Hey, guys. I need some serious help because I'm running really low on one hot ideas so if you have any requests be sure to comment and I'll defiantly for you credit if you inspired the oenshot. Thanks!



(P.S. I'm going to start uploading Friday and Sunday at eight in the morning now)

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