Fix-Mix Meets Helper-Human (C)

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Phil's POV

Dan walked me into the library, and then left me alone. It was a deadly silent, and every step I took made a small echo. I didn't know where to start; there were so many books.

I eventually decided to read some realistic fiction and found Girl Online. I didn't know what it was about, but I decided to begin reading anyways.

About thirty minutes later and I was already a quarter done with it. I was a bit of a bookworm, and could read just a bit faster than most. Suddenly, from the back of the library, I heard something shuffling around. I shifted uncomfortably and tried to brush it off, turning back to my book. But as soon I refocused, I heard a creaking noise from the same place.

Before I could think, out of fear, I ran out of there as fast as possible. But then, I was alone again, in the middle of a giant castle that I barely knew my way around in.

"Dan?" I called into the emptiness, but there was no answer. "Danny...please." I begged quietly, starting to walk over to his room. I got in the elevator, and the doors closed. I was still alone, but I was extremely proud of myself when I made it up by myself.

"Danny?" I said quietly, walking into his room. He was sat at his desk, typing something on the computer. "Phil?" He asked, getting up. I can tell he was annoyed, and a bit angry now. "I'm sorry. There were noises in the library and I got scared." I said quietly, staring at the floor. "Phil, let me add a rule. No matter what, you can not come into my room when I'm working. I could've been Skyping someone and then they would have seen you, and the public would know about you." He said sternly. "I know. I'm sorry." I squeaked out, "Am I gonna get a punishment?" He sighed, "Well, no, because technically it wasn't a rule when you broke it. Just don't do it again, okay?" "Okay." I replied. "Good, now, Missy is downstairs and is making dinner. It'll be done in a few minutes so why don't you head down there?" "Who's Missy?" "The chef and maid. She's making spaghetti, now get to the kitchen. Now." "I-I don't know where it is." I said quietly. He groaned and then said, extremely, "Follow me."

We walked into the elevator together and quickly got downstairs. "There, that door." he pointed, still angry and annoyed at me barging into his room. "Thank you." I said with my head hung low, and walked in before Dan could get any angrier at me.

When I stepped inside I saw how massive it was. This seemed to be a reoccurring theme. There was a giant fridge, a giant stove, a giant dishwasher, and some other giant things, but I didn't know what they did or what they were. There was a counter facing all of the kitchen things, and a half wall covering a massive dining table, like you'd see in all the movies.

At the stove, cooking something in a pot, was a girl. She was about forty, with graying hair and a few wrinkles. She was wearing an apron, and wore one of those maid dresses. Again, like in all of the movies.

She turned to see me, "You must be Phillip. I've been informed I'm not allowed to speak to you for two weeks besides our greeting." She set her cooking utensils down and walked over to me. "I've also been told to call you by a certain name or label of which you chose. Is Phil okay?" "Phil's fine." I said quietly, not knowing how to talk to someone I didn't know by myself for the first time. I've never greeted someone on my own before. "Well, Phil, I'm Missy." She smiled, and held her hand out. I shook her hand respectfully before she walked away and went back to her cooking.

I looked around and eventually sat down at one of the bar stools by the counter. I watched Missy did pretty much nothing but stir noodles in a pot for ten minutes before she stopped. She threw some spaghetti in to two large bowls, and drenched them in sauce. "I'll make some garlic bread too." She smiled, and set the plate in front of me with a golden colored fork.

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