Pups (A)

792 18 24

Phil's POV

For nearly a month I've known this. Ever since Dan dragged me to that party and ditched me this has been happening. Only another four weeks and she'll have our Cubs, but she can't take care of them. She's giving all five to me and Dan.

And I haven't told him. He's my boyfriend and I haven't told him I'm having five babies with a total stranger. I had to tell him, but I was scared. I had no other choice, it's not like I could just keep it a secret.

"Dan?" I asked, walking into our bedroom as my orange triangle ears pricked down and my fluffy fox tail wrapped around my waist. "What's wrong, babe?" He asked, sitting up with his lap top in his lap. "I did something bad." I squeaked out, covering my eyes and looking to the ground.

I hear Dan get up and walk over to me before he wrapped his arms around the top of my back and held me to his chest. "Shh, it's okay. I won't get mad, I promise. Let's just talk it out, okay?" Dan said after he let me go, and I nodded. He knew how sensitive I was and how scared I got when I misbehaved since, technically, I belong to him by law and he can do whatever he wants with me. I'm always scared he'll hit me like all my other owners use to, but dans always been nice and caring to me.

We sat on his bed and I curled in Dan lap while he brushed through my hair. "Now, what's wrong?" He asked. "Remember the party we went to a few months ago, the one you dragged me to?" I asked. He was silent for a minute before he sighed and said, "Yeah. Then I ditched you like an asshole because I forgot you were with me that night. Though, I usually go alone and didn't think-" I cut him off, "Thats not what I care about. I know you left me, and because you did I got really angry and wanted revenge. So...so I had sex with someone." I let out quickly.

Dan froze before he lifted me up, turned me around, and threw me into the bed. He growled over my angrily and said, "You did what?" "I had sex with a stranger because you left me behind." I said quickly as my eyes grew twice their size and my heart began beating out of my chest. "You fucking had sex? With a damn stranger?!" He asked, and grabbed my shoulders, slamming my head into the mattress. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I began bawling. "Did you even use a fucking condom?!" He screamed and I cried even harder. "No. She's pregnant."

Dan got off of me, and I was confused. "Aren't you going to hit me?" I asked him with a shaky voice. "If you fucking say another god damn word, I will!" He cried, and there were tears welding up in his eyes.

I stayed completely silent as Dan paced the room before grabbing me. He there me over his shoulder and carried me to the closet down the hallway. He chucked me inside and slammed the door, and the locked it.

"Dan? Dan?!" I screamed, trying to find a light switch. "It's dark!" I cried as more tears rolled down my cheeks, "Help me!"

He quickly unlocked it and got extremely close to my face. "What did I say?" He said, and I shook my head, "I don't know." "About another word?" He tried again and I backed myself into the corner. Dan grabbed my neck before I could do anything and brought his hand up. In one swift motion he slapped my face, an threw me into the wall.

I dropped to my knees as he walked away, locking the door behind him.

I cried and cried for hours. I couldn't believe he did that. I'm having pups soon and he's abusing me. I spent the rest of the night in there, and most of the day. I had nothing to do, so I watched under the door. The light in the hallway was on, which made me feel a bit better, but it was still dark where I was.

Every now and then Dan would walk past the door. I'd scratch the wood and whimper and then he'd freeze. He'd stay there for a second before he continued walking away, often mumbling to him self about me deserving it.

I waited and waited, scratching and whining. I loved him, and I thought he loved me back. How could he just do this to me? And all because of one stupid mistake that was his fault anyway.

It became what I felt was mid afternoon, and Dan walked up to the closet. I whimpered and scratched the crap out of the door. Eventually, he turned the knob and opened the door. I squinted my eyes, completely blinded by the light.

Once my eyes adjusted, I saw Dan standing there will tears in his eyes and a frown on his face. He was shaking his head to himself before he dropped on one knee and hugged me.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He said as he stuffed his face in my shoulder and his words were muffled. "I-it's okay." I replied, rubbing his back. This seemed a bit backwards to me. Why wasn't I crying?

"Philly, I'll help you with all the pups and we'll raise them together. I love you so much and I'm sorry I don't know what to do I didn't feel like myself at all and-" he started rambling, but I placed a finger over his lips and he shut up. "Dan, it's okay. It was a mistake and if you did something like that to me I would have been angry enough to do that too. It's okay." I explained. He just let more tears spill from his eyes and he smiled before pulling my face closer to his and pressing our lips together lovingly.

A/N: Sorry for two (A) stories. Their ending will come next week, though, so just hold tight :)

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