The Joy of Illnesses

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Dan's POV

I coughed and coughed, sneezed and sneezed. Tissue after tissue, squirm after squirm, nothing would (or I believe, could, at this point) get me to feel any better.

So, I got up and decided to try and make myself some tea, and maybe it'll sooth my throat. I dropped my duvet on the floor of my untidied room, and left it there for later. When I stepped out of my room, however, I stopped when I saw Phil's closed door. I debated on whether or not I should wake him, but before I could make my choice, I could feel the urge to throw up.

I darted to the bathroom as fast as I could, not caring about how loud my feet were against the ground.
I opened the door, and nearly jumped across the room to get there, and leaned over the toilet.

I heard someone follow me as I darted in the bathroom, and soon felt a warm hand rubbing my back calmly.
When I had finished, and stood up and flushed the toilet. "Hey, I know it's a stupid question but, are you ok?" "Yeah, I-Ill be fine." I said with a super stuffy nose. "Aww, bear, lying a sin ya know." Phil wrapped one arm around me, and lead me over and into the lounge.

He laid me down, and stroked my hair. "Want me to make you some light tea?" He asked, and shook my head frantically, scrunching my face up. He chuckled, "Ok. What do you need?" "To not be sick." I groaned, and he laughed, looking down at me before he kissed my forehead, and left.

I rolled around, freezing, coughing, and sneezing, before Phil finally came back with a handful of things.

"What's that?" I asked weakly. "For you." he smiled, setting it all down on the floor.

He set a tissues box near my head (on the coffee table he moved towards me), put my blanket over me, put a small trash can near the couch, and gave me his Lion.

"Lion?" I chuckled. "Is he really necessary?" "Of course! Lion always makes people better." "But there's no annotations for him to talk." "He doesn't need those. He'll be fine."
I smiled at my totally adorkable boyfriend, and snuggle lion to my chest none the less.

"I'm going to make myself some tea, are you sure you don't need anything else?" "I'll take a, teeny tiny, bit of tea, and some cold medicine please." "Ok, be right back." he kissed my forehead, and left.

I rolled around for a bit, tired as fuck, before Phil came back after about twenty minutes. "Finally." I sat up slightly, only for my stomach to disagree with me, and rumble loudly. "Here." Phil sat himself on the coffee table, and handed my a small mug, only half full, and a few pills. I swallowed them reluctantly, followed by a small bit of tea.

"Try and drink all of it, and see if you can keep it down." he gave me a kind smile, stroking my hair. I nodded tiredly, and slouched down slightly.
Phil played with my hair, and told me jokes, stories, video ideas, and just plain keeping a smile on my face.
Eventually I told him I felt really sick, and he just smiled and said, "Ok." before he left, and took my mug to the kitchen.

He came back, and sat on the coffee table in front of me. I groaned and I could physically feel my stomach acids twisting and turning with the medicine and tea in my stomach. "Bear, sit up." Phil said calmly, holding my hand. So I did, but a bit too quickly.

I sat up at the speed of lightning, an my stomach turned inside out. I instantly grabbed the small plastic trash bag with a small bag in it, and set it in my lap, leaning over.

When I was done, Phil took it from me, and I presume, threw the bag out. when he returned he had a sad expression plastered on his face. "What's wrong?" I asked, sitting up slowly sitting up, only slightly. "I made you drink that tea, and it made you feel worse. I'm sorry." he frowned. "Aww, come here, Phil."

I lifted the duvet off myself, and let Phil lie down with me. He wrapped his arms around my small frame, and I snuggled into him.

"I really am sorry. I was just trying to help." He apologized again after a short while. "Phil, it's not the end of the world," I laughed. "It's ok."
He smiled, and kissed my forehead, holding me in his loving arms.

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