Changing the World

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A/N: Guys, I need your help. This is the second time I've posted this, and I know you don't know who he is, and I know that you don't care, but I need more people to watch this. If you like my stories and want to support me in any small way you can, watch this video. His name is Mark and he just hit 9 million subs about a week or two after this came out. He's extremely loving, funny, out-going, caring, and a million other word I can't seem to find right now. Even if you're thinking that you don't care, give it a chance. You don't have to like him, you don't have to want to watch it, and you can hate him, the video, the idea, or even me; just please, try. just try and do something goof for the world by watching this video.

Once you've done this, please please please comment that you did because I'm going to get in touch with you and see how we can make the world a better place.

I have almost 200 followers right now (which is unbelievably amazing) and even more people are reading these oneshots. I know at least fifty people will read this, and if you're one of those rare fifty, watch the video too. If you're on a mobile devise right now the video is called 'Changing the World' by Markiplier on YouTube. Go watch it as soon as you can and tell me once you have.

Like I was saying, we have more than a hundred people reading these oneshots and I couldn't be more grateful. I love you all so much and this video has made me realize what just over 100 people can do. It may seem like a small number now, but day-by-day, one-by-one, we will make this world a better place for everyone.

Now, let's get sappy. I was given the opportunity to join the Junior Honor Society last year near the beginning of the second semester. I kindly declined, and my parents were more than mad. Every conversation they brought it up and for what felt like a year, which was only about six months, they talked about it non stop. The thing I was told I could be in, JNHS, was basically a bunch of kids getting together to go out and donate things, going to volunteer places together, and other things for my school too. Anyway, it was torment for the longest time about something I didn't wan to do. Eventually, though, they forgot about it, and haven't mentioned it since.

Up until now I've always been scare of those things and what my parents would say. Volunteering was way out of my comfort zone and I hated the idea of it. And then I watched this video and my perspective of everything changed for the better. I realized how much good I can do in the world by helping out small places and people little by little. I'm now helping a fire prevention event in October, I'm going to help a rabbits/bunny rescue in September, and I'm going to help rat adoption events throughout the near future. And I'm excited. Before this video, I was scared to even go outside but now I want to help as many people as I can everywhere I go. Because there's no point in life if you don't make the world a better place and have fun while you do it.

So please, I will beg on my knees and cry for you, yes, YOU, to watch this video. It's important and it will change everyone who watches it's future for the better; I promise. Even if you're busy all the time, even complimenting people every now and then could brighten their day and give them more faith in humanity. It will do good, and we WILL change the world. So please, comment after you watch it and I want us all to get together somewhere on the internet (maybe even here, or on twitter with a weird hashtag; I don't know) Where we can talk and figure out how to make this world a better place.


I know I may have slightly mentioned it before, but, WATCH THE VIDEO. It's more important than you think and I wouldn't be making these stories for you guys if I wasn't so inspired by this video. Please, watch it, and comment when you have. I'll be reading the comments all day and night for the entire weekend, and I will reply to everyone of you. Share it, even, and make your friend watch/read this so they can get in on the world changing action. Thanks for reading, I love you all so much.



P.S. *whisper voice* go watch the video

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