Crash (A)

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A/N: Look, I know I've done this in the past but since then I've become a better author and I want to try this again from a more scientific and academic point of view. Just give me a chance and trust me on this one :)

Phil's POV

"Danny! You need to go grocery shopping!" I called from the living room where I found my uniform. He groaned from the kitchen before coming to fine me. "Yeah, yeah, I'll do it later. Have fun at work, yeah? And go save some lives." He wrapped his arms around my neck ad kissed my as I buttoned up the last part of my shirt. "Hey, it's my job." I said after he let go.

I've only been at work for four hours now and was only Hal way through my shift. I've been through at least six different people, some with minor injuries while others were more serious. Nothing life threatening, though.

"Hey, Suzie." I groaned, walking near the nurse's desk. "Hey, havin' fun?" She asked with a smirk. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and replied, "Can't you see the smile on my face?" She laughed and I joined her too before asking, "Anyone else I can help?" "Not yet. You're the most knowledgeable so-" I cut her off quickly, "So you save me for last. I know, I know. All the nurses tell me that." I rolled my eyes and she laughed. "But we have good reason." She retorted before the phone rang.

As she picked it up I began walking away and into the break room. From the I sat down and took out a water bottle from the fridge in there.

As I checked my phone I saw there were no texts from Dan, which I thought was strange. He usually always texts me, even when I'm at work, but other times he doesn't. Usually that's when he's just having a rough day, but this morning he seemed totally fine.

What had happened?

That's when the emergency bell went off. You could hear the millisecond of silence before every nurse and doctor dropped their things, running the the nurse's table.

"Lester, we need you at the emergency entrance in forty five seconds. Everyone else stand by, clear and ready, until the call is given." Suzie shouted, and everyone let me pass as I bolted to the door.

I bashed through it and ran down the hallway to see one male and one female pushing someone on a stretcher I tot he hallway. I waited until they met me before I ran along with them.

"Room six, IV and fluids ready for injection!" I screamed at the paramedics running beside me.

We made it I tot he main room and everyone backed away as we made a quick turn to the closest room. Nurses and spare doctors gathered somewhat close to the entrance of the room, watching us as we fixed up the patient.

"What happened?" I asked without even looking at the person, but right to the paramedic who wasn't. Setting everything up. "Completely unresponsive. All we know is that it was a head-on car crash and the other driver died immediately. This boy was lucky to make it." The woman said quickly.

"Okay. You, get an IV in him. And you, go ask for a portable X-Ray." I pointed to the man getting the bags hung, and then to the woman who was already scurrying off.

I began to try to talk to the patient, but I could barely make out any features on him due to the blood, sweat, dirt, and hair on his face. All I knew is that he seemed like a male, but even then I couldn't quite tell.

"Hey, sir, talk to me. What's your full name?" I asked him. He said nothing before gently turning his head to me and tried to open his eyes. "Hey, don't move your head. You might have spinal cord injuries and moving any part of yourself may cause permanent damage." I said seriously, placing his head back in a perfect position.

"Now, please, what's your name?" I asked him again gently. His eyelashes fluttered but I got nothing out of him. "Dammit." I grumbled to myself before looking over to see the man had gotten the IV in him perfectly.

"Good work, now get out. Smit, get your ass over here!" I screamed to another male nurse while the paramedic ran off to find his colleague. "I need this kid's face cleaned as soon as possible and take a blood test before getting some in him." I said to him, and he nodded.

Just then the girl paramedic brought the small machine over and I told her to leave, and pulled over nurse Peters, who was a male. "Peters, I need an X-Ray of both legs, both arms, torso, and head." I said quickly, stepping out of the room along with Smit who had just tested his blood. He stepped out too.

He told me the blood type quickly while Peters took the fastest pictures I've ever seen.

Once he was down I told him to develop the pictures and made Smit begin to set up blood bags for him.

"Hey, it's okay. You're going to be fine and I'm not letting you die on me. That's a promise." I said to the kid before turning around and grabbing everything from soap to antiseptic.

"I'm going to clean your face so I know what you look like. Please, tell me your name." I begged him as I gently pressed a cloth against his cheek.

He said nothing, still trying to open his eyes. I just shook my head at myself as I tried cleaning him off. "Dammit, kid. You've got to answer me so I can save you." I begged him as I gently cleaned his face. He still said nothing, though I could see he was trying.

As I cleaned a cut I noticed how many glass pieces were in him. "Smit, grab me some tweezers and clean the other half of his face." I instructed. He nodded and quickly fetched a pair as I cleaned the boy off.

As I began picking pieces of glass out from his head he flinched back every now and then. "Kid, you've got to tell me your name so I can save you. We need to do a medical background check so I know how to treat you." I explained slowly, though I worked swiftly.

Finally, his mouth opened slightly before he chocked out, "Phil."

But that wasn't his name. I knew that voice and he wasn't telling me his name; he was talking to me. It was Dan.

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