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Phil's POV

So, my boyfriend and I (Dan) recently had a cameo in Big Hero 6. After all that, and once the movie had been out and new movies rolled in, Disney contacted us again. They wanted me to be in a couple scenes for a new movie, and I've never been so proud of myself, and Dan is extremely proud of me too. They also invited Dan to go in and watch me perform.

When we got there, they dressed me up and gave him a small script. I was mostly acting in movements, and I only had two lines. They dressed me in blue jeans and a black button-up shirt. I didn't like it too much. I only had a real problem with everything. I had to kiss a girl.

Dan brushed it off and said it was ok because it was only for a movie, but I didn't want to. I loved Dan, an I o lay wanted his lips against mine, not this random girl.

"Phil, come here." a director called to me, and I jogged over. "I'm Michelle, but my character is Bella." a red head lady stuck her hand out. "I'm Phil, but character's name is Winston." I took her hand, smiling.

"Ok, you two need so sit under that little shack. Just hold hands and look at the roof, and seen scared." he instructed.

I automatically was rethinking this whole idea, but it's too late now. I sat under a dirty looking shack beside 'Bella' and being extremely reluctant, took her hand in mine.

We both looked up at the top of the shack as it started shaking, and I actually was scared for a bit. He screamed "cut!" And I stood back up.
After a couple more scenes it was finally time. I had to kiss her.
"Phil, grab her hand and kiss her slowly." he instructed. I instantly looked over at Dan and he nodded, smiling. I shook my head, by he kept nodding. "One, two, three!" The director screamed. Michelle had no problem leaning in instantly, but I bit my lip and leaned back.

"Phil, let's try that again." the director said calmly and understandingly. "B-but..." I sighed, and held her hand again.

After about five trys, I finally did it. I leaned down slowly and we lips met mine. They didn't taste like Dan's at all. They tasted like hell compared to Dan's. Her hands were also unlike Dan's and didn't fit mine at all. I hated every second of it with every fiber in my body.

"Cut!" He yelled again, and I instantly broke from her and sprinted over to Dan who was sanding off to the side. I cupped his face and smashed his lips against mine. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." I repeated against his lips. "It's ok. It was an act." he whispered back. I'm so happy he's mine.

"Hey, I wanted to come over here and tell you, Phil." Michelle met me and Dan behind the set, "You're a really good kisser." She winked, leaning over slightly. Dan smirked, standing beside me, "I know, right?" I slipped an arm around Dan's waist, and she instantly backed off.

"Nice one." I laughed after she left. "I know, I'm a genius." he laughed, and pressed his lips against mine once more.

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