Chapter 47: Suspicions

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*Klaus' POV*

Nearly two weeks later, twelve days of agonizing work, I was beginning to become suspicious, as I'm sure my sisters and the Quagmires were as well. Olaf hadn't yet shown face as far as we were aware. Maybe this time he had found a disguise that'd actually work.

It was another log day and once again we were debarking. I hate log days... Violet leaned over to me. "You're thinking something," she said, speaking loudly so I'd hear her over the noise of the factory.

"It's the new foreman..." I said. "Someone said he had started here the same day as us. What if he's Count Olaf and being a foreman is his new disguise?"

"He is cruel like Count Olaf, but Count Olaf runs a horrible theater company, not a lumbermill!"

"But isn't it strange we never see his face?" I argued.

"He would have put his scheme into action by now," she countered.

"What if he has and we don't know it?"

"Klaus, I know what you're trying to do." She said. "You're trying to find a reason to leave, and I swear to God we will once we clear our parents' names."

I glanced over at Foreman Flacutono's booth slightly. He was taking a nap and his curly white wig was even slightly askew. "I... I need a new debarker. I'll be back soon..."

I left before Violet could stop me and instead of going in the direction of the debarker dispenser, I went towards the booth. If I could see the tattoo on his ankle, I could convince Violet that we should go. It'd be more than enough to convince Izzie too that staying won't be in our best interest. Besides, we knew our parents wouldn't ever commit such an awful act and, I think they'd find that good enough. I knelt down next to the foreman's extended leg and carefully started pushing up his pant leg, listening to the sound of his snores to make sure he didn't wake up. 'Slowly, Klaus... Careful..."

He jolted slightly and I quickly got to my feet. "What are you doing, midget?"

"I need a new debarker," I said, having a prepared excuse.

"Spoiled brat wants a new debarker?" He said with an interrogative tone. "Old rusty one isn't good enough for him, eh?" He extended his arm and pointed towards the dispenser. "They're over there, rich boy."

I wouldn't have thought anything of it until he said 'rich boy'. How would he have known about that??? I don't think anyone knew about my parents' money, even if everyone knew I was a Baudelaire. Apparently I was in his presence too long, thinking, and he kicked me in the side and knocked me to the floor. My glasses had landed inches away from me and he stepped on them before I could grab them. "Whoopsie..." He laughed as I tried to catch my breath.

"Klaus!!!" I heard the chorus of my family shout and I could hear them run over to me as other workers gathered around.

"Klaus, what happened?" Violet fussed.

"Here, let me help you up," Duncan said, extending a hand and I wobbled to my feet.

"Klaus, your glasses!" Isadora exclaimed, picking them up. "They're-"



"Hopelessly broken."
Phil smiled softly. "Maybe they can be fixed..."

"The foreman kicked me and stepped on them," I explained, trying to get through the pain in my side.

"How can I kick you when I'm up in this booth?" Flacutono asked. "It was probably karma."

"Klaus wouldn't lie!" Isadora defended, and turned to me. "Can you see?"

"A little..." I said, squinting to try to see her better.

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