Chapter 88: Life Underwater

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*Isadora's POV*

Sunny and I were helping Phil in the kitchen, at this point made much more than aware that he needed someone to gently remind him gum could be an offered dessert and not part of the main course. How did Fiona and the captain put up with that? Sunny was much more help than either of us could have imagined. I was sitting on a stool at the counter slicing olives when I felt a pair of arms slide around my waist and hug me.

"Hi..." Klaus hummed out, resting his head on my shoulder. "Whatcha doing?"

"Cookin'," I said. "Making dinner. Sunny is surprisingly talented in the kitchen."

"Especially for someone her age!" Phil said with a chuckle. "If I was allowed in the kitchen at her age, I would have accidentally dumped cereal everywhere!"

"Relno," Sunny said modestly, meaning 'It's really nothing.'

Klaus unwrapped an arm from around me and tilted my head, giving me a little kiss on the cheek, which made me giggle, then sat in the seat next to me. I could practically feel him staring at me as I helped cut things up to go in the salad. Occasionally, I'd look over and he'd be looking at me with a stupid smile.

"What?" I finally asked.

"You're just so cute," he said with so much sweetness in his voice that I could have gotten a toothache.

"Shush," I said, giggling as I tried to turn away and hide the blush on my face.

"Roomie!" Sunny groaned, making us laugh.

"What's this?" We heard from behind us. The four of us turned to see Captain Widdershins in the doorway, surprised at the sight in front of him. "You're our guests, children, you don't need to help with the cooking!"

"We want to though!" I said, making sure to put down the knife I was cutting with since I usually talked with my hands. "You guys welcomed us in and are keeping us safe. It's really the least we could do!"

"Aye!" Klaus said. "All of us are happy to be of service, Captain. We're pretty quick to learn if you like things done a certain way too."

"No prolm!" Sunny assured.

"She says that it's no problem," Klaus translated.

"Cookie can manage just fine by himself," he said.

"With all due respect, Captain, I love the extra company and help! They're even suggesting I save the gum for a dessert instead. Doesn't that sound fun?"

Captain Widdershins seemed to sigh in relief. "Alright then, if Phil likes you helping, and you can handle it..."

"We can!" I promised. "If my mom were here, she'd be dragging me and my brothers around telling us to clean anyways."

"Aye, she would," Widdershins chuckled. "You're welcome to help around the ship since you're so insistent, but don't feel obligated to." He smiled again, and left us to get back to cooking and chatting.

After there were only a few things left to do for dinner, Phil dismissed us from the galley and said he'd fetch us in forty five minutes. Klaus and I dropped Sunny off with Duncan and Violet, which we took pleasure in because we got to annoy our older siblings by cutting their cuddle session short. Afterwards, we walked to the library hand in hand, saying hello to Quigley and Fiona on the way.

Klaus and I sat cuddled up on one of the couches, reading our respective books in the most comfortable silence ever imagined.

"What do you think of the Queequeg?" Klaus asked me eventually. "We've been here like a week. Surely you must have some sort of opinion."

"I think it's great!" I said with a grin. "I like looking out the windows because when I look out of it there's all sorts of cool looking stuff!! And I'm especially happy about how happy Quigley is here! Not to mention you're here, so it's automatically three times better than it would have been!"

Klaus just smiled at me, especially happy with that last part. He didn't say anything, just cupped my cheek and kissed me, wordlessly letting me know he agreed completely. It was so sweet and I felt so, so special. He always makes me feel like the most important person in the room, and I couldn't resist the butterflies in my stomach I got when he smiled at me. I don't know what I'd do without seeing that smile, or hearing his little affectionate mumbles. The thought instantly flipped itself in my head, which it'd do often and at the worst moments.

"Is everything alright?" Klaus asked, concern clear in his voice. I suppose he could sense my mood switch.

"Do you think when we're back in the city, we'll be separated? I know we have Olivia helping out there, but what if we end up with different guardians? What if we don't live close together?? I've seen you guys every day for nearly three months now and i'm just so used to that!"

"I guess we aren't very independent of eachother, huh?" Klaus said with a small chuckle.

"But I like it that way..." I mumbled.

Klaus set his book aside and wrapped me into his arms. "Well, if that does happen, we can still keep in touch. We can send letters constantly and find someplace to meet in the middle... I have faith in us, we won't let long distance stop our stubborn, love-stricken asses." He said and kissed the top of my head. "For now though, we can appreciate the moments we have together, and we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, okay?"

I nodded silently.

"Remember, my angel, I love you no matter what..."

"Love you too..."

And despite that worry still being in the back of my mind, I felt better. I always do when I'm with him...

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