Chapter 51: Distasteful Doctor

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*Isadora's POV*

I felt my blood boil at the sight of Dr. Orwell... Foul bitch... I wanted to tear her hair out for the temporary damage done to Klaus.

"Klaus, good to see you again." She said with a smile that was so damn fake. "I have something for you."

"Is it-"

"Your glasses?" She interrupted. "Yes, it is." She snapped her fingers at Count Olaf and he produced a glasses case from his purse, after glaring at her, that is. Klaus put on the glasses and thanked her quietly. "Miss Quagmire, it's a pleasure to see you again." The optometrist added.

I scoffed. "I can't say the same." I said, glaring at her. "What game are you playing at, lady? When you sent Klaus and me back here, he was acting strangely."

She made an amused 'hm' noise. "Well, Klaus, aren't you lucky to have a friend that cares as much about you as this young lady does?"

"Yes, I am," Klaus answered in a distant voice. I looked up at him. He didn't sound like himself again. I was worried he was feeling ill again.

"This is my receptionist, Shirley." Orwell introduced.

"I had the day off yesterday, that's why you didn't meet me." 'Shirley' replied in a high, shrill voice. "No other reason."

This had to be the stupidest disguise yet... And boy were we going to laugh in his face about it.. "That wig and that lipstick don't fool us one bit." Violet said.

"You must've spent your whole day off looking for the right shade of foundation," I added, nodding like it was a big achievement.

"Or learning to walk in those shoes." Duncan snickered, looking down at the heels on his feet.

"You're right, Dr. Orwell." 'She' said. "This girl is horribly impolite, along with these two. Why, if they were to do another impolite thing to me, for example, call me the wrong name, I'd have to do something impolite to them, like... Tear their hair out with my bare hands! Would you children like a cookie?"

We glared at him... Her, now, I guess, if she was going to insist on tearing my hair out. I turned to Orwell. "I still haven't gotten an answer! What did you do to Klaus?"

Before Miss Satan could speak, Sir and Charles came up to us. "What's going on over here?" Sir asked. "I don't pay you to stand around gabbing!"

"Hello, children," Charles said, pretending Sir hadn't spoken. "I hope you're having a nice visit with your optometrist."

"We most certainly are not," Duncan said without hesitation. "Charles, this woman is a notorious villain! ... And she's not even a woman!"

"Nonsense!" Sir dismissed. "Dr. Orwell has provided free eye exams to Lucky Smells employees for years! And there's nothing villainous about free healthcare! And clearly she's a woman! And women can be doctors just like men can be receptionists!"

"We're talking about the receptionist!"

"You've met Shirley, Sir." Orwell said.

"I have."

"Have you considered our little proposal?" Shirley asked, tapping her red nails on the cookie tin.

"Proposal?" Charles repeated. "What proposal?"

"It doesn't concern you, Charles." Sir said with a huff.

"Doesn't concern me? I'm your partner..." He said, then muttered "I should be surprised..."

Orwell and Shirley glanced at eachother and the optometrist stepped forward. "I haven't seen you in my chair..." She said quickly.

"I have excellent vision," Charles replied.

"Well, vision changes."

"Don't trust her, Charles," I stepped forward. "Klaus got one of her eye exams yesterday and now he's acting strange! She did something to him!"

"Truly wonderful is the imagination of a child," Orwell said and chuckled. "Klaus did tell me he had a headache afterwards. Maybe he was acting strangely because of that. I still think it'd be a good idea to have you in."

"Maybe you can help him see how much he overreacts," Sir suggested, making Charles shoot him an angry look. Sir ignored it. "Ladies, we can go back to the office and Charles can make us coffees while we follow up on our discussion."

"What a great idea," Orwell said, smiling politely.

The four adults left and we stood there, processing what happened. "What a nice lady..." Klaus mumbled. We looked at him with wide eyes. He was sick again! Oh dear... The speakers outside crackled to life and we heard Foreman Flacutono announce that all workers in the visitors center had to return to work immediately. I whined. We didn't have time to work! We had to get Klaus to rest while we figured out what was wrong with him. He couldn't get hurt if he was asleep, right?

Soon I'd realize that I didn't have to worry about Klaus being the victim of an accident.

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