Chapter 65: The Survival Story

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*Violet's POV*

"So this is what the dorms look like?" Asked Quigley Quagmire. The resemblance between him and his siblings was uncanny. He looked nearly identical to his brother, except he had longer and messier hair and a little bit more freckles than Duncan did. We had dragged Izzie and Duncan to the nurse, and when she turned us away for them not being in a horrible condition, we had to drag them to the dorm. I felt like we looked like the world's most uncomfortable corpse disposers...

"I guess so," I replied. He laid his sister down in a chair and Klaus and I carefully put Duncan on the couch. I hoped they'd wake up soon. I had never experienced someone faint, so I hadn't an idea if they were alright or not.  "We haven't introduced ourselves, have we?"

    "Not exactly," Quigley laughed, "but I've heard a couple things. Newspaper clippings and such. Violet, Klaus, and Sunny, right?"

"Baudelaire," Klaus said. "Yes, that's us."

"We're Duncan and Izzie's best friends," I added.

"Well I'm Quigley, the other triplet."

    "We've heard some things," I grinned, pulling up a chair for myself. Quigley and Klaus sat on the couch with Sunny in my brother's lap.

"Oh, they talked about me?" He asked excitedly.

"They became more comfortable bringing it up as we went along." I explained.

"I see... How did you all end up at this hellhole? I doubt the Daily Punctilio got anything except your names right, and my contacts only told me that my siblings and their friends were safe."

"'Contacts?'" Klaus repeated curiously.

"Just some people I know," he said, "I'll explain when Duncan and Isadora wake up. I don't blame them for fainting; I doubt they even knew I was alive..."

"They didn't..." I said. "They're very upset about your death... Were upset, I mean... I'm sure they'll be overjoyed now."

"I hope so!" He smiled. "So... How did you happen at Prufrock?"

    "Well for us, it started about a month and a half ago." I began. "Our parents died in a fire that burnt down our home, so we were sent to live with an awful man named Count Olaf. That's where we met Duncan and Isadora!"

"They were there for about a year before that and he was horrible to them!" Klaus added. "He verbally abused them and threatened to hit them and forced them to do insane chores!"


"And he actually did hit Klaus!" I added. "My siblings and I have a fortune we'll inherit when I turn eighteen, like you and your siblings do, so he devised a plot to steal our money and tried to marry me!"


"He didn't succeed though because I signed the certificate with the wrong hand! And then the five of us went to live with our Uncle Monty."

"Montgomery Montgomery, an absolutely brilliant herpetologist." Klaus added.

"But soon Olaf showed up and he was disguised dressed up like a lab assistant."

"He murdered Uncle Monty and tried to blame it on a snake that he owned."

"Mr. Poe, who's been arranging things for us, showed up though so Olaf had to wait to kidnap us."

"Violet managed to convince Poe that Olaf was in a disguise and that he murdered Monty. It was difficult because he's an idiot. And Olaf escaped..."

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