Chapter 21: The Night Before Peru

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*Violet's POV*

We looked around for Monty in the lobby of the theatre but we didn't see him, so we rushed outside. "Monty? Uncle Monty!?" We all called out for him, well, except for Stephano.

"What's this? Your guardian has disappeared? Dear me, dear me!" He said with faked sympathy, even though his eyes were shining brightly as if he were telling a joke. He began pushing us towards Gustav's truck to get us out of here as quick as possible, "Ah, this is just terrible. Five helpless orphans all alone in the world; what ever will they do next?"

"Drive home, of course!" Uncle Monty said, stepping in front of the truck. I sighed in relief.


"You're okay!!"

"We were worried!"

"So worried!"


"Hello, children! It's been a long night and we have a very busy day tomorrow! Did you enjoy the movie?"

"It was unusual..." Isadora giggled.

"It will require some further explanation," Uncle Monty chucked, "Wait in the car. I have some unfinished business with Stephano."

We looked at Stephano, then back at Monty. "Will you be okay?" Klaus whispered.

"Of course." He answered, smiling at us. "As your guardian, it is my job and my delight to keep you safe. Run along."

We slowly got into the truck, keeping an eye on the two of them, and I sat in the passenger's seat with Sunny to give them more room. We watched them circle eachother and talk. "Can you hear what they're saying?" I asked.

"I hope he's telling Count Olaf that his plot is foiled and he's done for," Klaus said.

"No no," Duncan said, "Because if Olaf wasn't fooling him anymore then he'd have no reason not to kill Monty on the spot."

Monty pointed in the opposite direction from us and Olaf hung his head as he walked away. What?! He just gave up that easily?! What did Uncle Monty say?? He went around the truck and opened the door. "No need to worry, Bambini. That terrible man will never bother us again. He'll be out of our lives forever!"

"And we're just leaving him in the parking lot?"

"Under the watchful eye of a very capable ticket seller, Duncan! And if he does slip away we'll be far from here! We'll be in Peru. It'll be nice and sunny and you might finally get some answers to your questions. I know you have many of them and I'll be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. But tonight, everyone gets straight into their P. J.'s so we can drink some hot cocoa and I'll tell you some stories, okay?"

"With marshmallows and creamer?" Isadora asked excitedly.

"Of course!!" Monty beamed.

When we got home, we did as Monty said and changed into our pajamas as he went to get the hot chocolate ready. He told us many stories about his adventures and the people and animals he met on those adventures. It was so cool hearing how happy all these expeditions made him and I was super excited to get to go on one!

"Oh, and that reminds me! When we travel inward to Ollantaytambo, children, we can look for some geckos who have an extra leg. Whoever finds one first gets to name it!"

"Sounds wonderful, Uncle Monty." My brother said with a bright smile.

"Doesn't it?" He grinned. "But now, unfortunately, it is time for bed!!! We have a squadillion things to do tomorrow and a boat to catch!" He picked Sunny up in his arms and glanced down at her mug. "Well it seems Sunny finished all of her marshmallows!!!"

"Fanta!" Sunny giggled.

My smile grew. "What my sister means is-"

"I know what your sister means, Violet! It seems we've finally found a soft food you like after all, huh Sunny?"

A few minutes later I heard a knock on the bedroom door. "Come in!!" Isadora called. Uncle Monty opened the door and smiled at us.

"All ready for bed?"

"Teeth brushed and everything!" I said with a smile.

"Bags packed?"

"Ready to throw into the jeep tomorrow morning!" Izzie answered.

"Good," He said, "Goodnight, girls."

"Goodnight, Uncle Monty!!"

"Night, Monty!! Love you!"

Monty held his hand over his heart and smiled wider than he ever had. "Love you too, girls. Sweet dreams." He said, turning off the light.

It was a beautiful moment, but we didn't know it'd be the last one we ever shared with him...

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