Chapter 60: Girl Talk

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*Isadora's POV*

I was getting ready for bed at the Poe household. It had been a day since we left Lucky Smells and staying with these heathens was small potatoes compared to our time there. Klaus and Duncan shared an air mattress up in Edgar and Albert's room in between new homes and us girls slept on the pullout couch. I sat down and tried to read a book that Polly tossed at me when I had asked if they had anything to read; it was fairly dusty when I received it. I tried to brush my hair while reading, but it was kind of difficult.

"Need some help there?" Violet giggled, seeing me struggle to multi-task.

"Would you?" I replied, handing her the brush. Violet sat behind me and started brushing my hair.

"I'm glad to be out of those coveralls," she said. "Don't you agree they were so unflattering?"

"I do agree," I answered, marking my page and closing the book, "but I don't think that a pretty dress would be good lumbermill uniforms..." I giggled.

"You know what I mean! "I looked so boxy! If there wasn't a potential safety hazard somehow by wearing a belt, I totally would have worn mine."

"Yeah because you totally needed to look good at the lumbermill. Would it be for anyone specific? A journalist you like, maybe?" I teased as Violet began braiding my hair.

"Oh and you're one to talk!" She said and laughed. "I seem to remember you kissing Klaus' cheek on the patio of Sir and Charles' office, or did I imagine that?"

"I... I hoped you wouldn't mention that..." I blushed. "You're not mad at me or anything, right?"

"Mad? What would I have to be mad at? You make Klaus so happy, and he deserves a sweet girl like you. You really do like him, right?"

"'If I had to choose Klaus or the sun; I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun.'" I recited and giggled.

I could nearly see Violet's smile even though she was behind me. "Good. He'll be good for you too. Klaus will treat you like a princess; I can tell he likes you a lot."

"I can kinda tell too..." I admitted, smiling. "And I doubt you haven't noticed, but Duncan really likes you too."

"Oh how could I not?" Violet asked. "Quagmires don't seem very subtle..."

"We're not!" I giggled. "But, Duncan totally thinks you're a goddess."

"Really? You think so?"

"I know so!! He's my triplet brother; I can practically read his mind!" I giggled.

Violet finished the braid and tied it off with her hairtie and hugged me. "I love talking to you, Izzie." She said, and I could feel her smiling.

"I love talking to you too. You're my best friend."

"And you're mine too!" I grinned.

"Shuppie! Swee!" Sunny said, meaning 'Shush, you two! I'm trying to sleep..."

We giggled. "We'll be quiet, Sunny. Goodnight."

"Night, Sunny." Violet giggled.


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