Chapter 80: Exhausted

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*Klaus' POV*

"Please eat, you guys," Quigley urged us. "I know you're tired but you gotta get some food in you. It might give you more energy too."

"Need coffee," Violet whined.

"We don't have any of that," he said. "What even happened? You guys are zombies today and I haven't gotten an explanation."

"We went to the athletic field and he told us to make a giant circle out of glow in the dark paint," I said. "And he made us run around it all night."

"... That's all?" Quigley asked.

"It was torture," Izzie complained. I leaned my head on her shoulder to show my sympathy, simultaneously hoping I wouldn't fall asleep and internally begging for just five minutes of escape from feeling how sore my legs were from running.

"We barely got half an hour of sleep because he sent us back to the dorm at sunrise. I desperately need a nap." Duncan added.

"When he said the program was called SORE, he wasn't joking..." I added.

"So do any of you have a better idea of his scheme? Did you think of anything?"

"I'm too tired to think of anything other than sleep or caffeine," Violet grumbled, poking at her food absentmindedly, making the rest of us groan in agreement.

"I guess I can try to find out for us. I won't let you guys down, I promise!" Quigley said.

"I can help," I said. "I'll do a little research. You shouldn't have to help us all alone."

"No I got it! Klaus, I know you're extremely intelligent, but all five of you are too tired to help yourselves! Sunny is literally asleep in her salad right now!" He said, gesturing to my sister, who was in fact, asleep in her salad.

Izzie turned to Sunny and lifted her to clean the dressing off her cheek and the croutons out of her hair. I let my head fall from her shoulder onto my arms which were folded on the table.

"Violet and I couldn't get down three words worth of notes in Mr. Remora's class," Duncan said.

"It's not like the class fucking matters. It's just Mr. Remora talking about how interesting he thinks he is..." Violet commented grumpily.

"Izzie and I measured every object incorrectly," I added, frustrated. "We kept reading the numbers wrong because of how tired we are." Izzie nodded in agreement.

"I just hope we get some clue about his plan soon," Duncan said. "If we're lucky, tonight's meeting won't involve running or staying up until midnight."

"'If we're lucky'..." I mumbled, and laughed.

"We'd sooner be able to use the phrase 'If we're stalks of celery.'" Violet said bitterly.

"Sure, Violet," Izzie said, yawning as she nodded.

"If we were lucky," I said, "The pink prick wouldn't be approaching our table."

"Hello, cakesniffers!!!!" Carmelita greeted as loudly as possible, probably to aggravate any headaches we might have. I knew Izzie had one, and she let out an annoyed whine at the disturbance.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked, extra aggressively on Izzie's behalf.

Carmelita laughed, and laughed even harder as she noticed Sunny's condition. "The baby has croutons in her hair!" She said through cackles. "Maybe she's a salad-sniffer, and not a cakesniffer!"

"We are once again asking what the fuck you want," Violet said.

"Coach Genghis told me to tell you he said to not forget your new running shoes for your meeting with him tonight," she said. "You should count on needing them, if you'll excuse a pun." She giggled evilly and tapped away.

"Psychopath..." Violet grumbled.

"I guess I take back my previous statement," Duncan said bitterly.

"She knows he's Olaf and still chooses to help him..." I added.

"Psychopath..." Violet repeated.

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