Chapter 5: Half Past Two

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*Klaus' POV*

I jolted awake from the sound of thunder from the storm. I groaned, rubbing my cheek as I sat up, but carefully so as to not disturb Violet. It couldn't have been more than 2:30-ish. It astonished me how I had apparently slept through Olaf and his troupe coming back, perhaps I was just that exhausted. Putting on my glasses, I glanced at Sunny and she was squirming around in the pile of sheets. A strike of lightning illuminated the room temporarily. I jumped slightly, seeing that I wasn't the only one awake.

"Izzie," I gasped. "You scared me."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Klaus." She apologized. "How are you doing?"

I frowned. I didn't really know how I was doing. My cheek still hurt a little and I think it was bruising. "Was he like this before?... Before my sisters and I got here?"

"He'd threaten us. He never actually got physical though. I'm sorry, I could have pulled you out of the way or something..."

"Oh, Isadora, no. It's okay. You couldn't have done anything about that."

"But you got hit. And I could've done something to stop it." She countered.

"There was nothing you could have done and that's the end of it." I insisted.

Isadora nodded softly, only answering with a quiet "Okay."

"What are you doing up though?" I asked. "Did you get up for some water?"


"Well what's wrong?"

She pouted in the semi-darkness. "You're gonna think it's stupid..." She whined.

"I wouldn't make fun of something bothering you, Isadora." I said with a small smile.

Isadora furrowed her brow in thought, debating if it'd be a good idea to tell me what had her bothered. "Promise you won't call me childish?"


"I'm not exactly in a good state of mind with storms. They frighten me, so I can't sleep..."

"Oh... That makes sense. Want me to get you some water?" I asked, trying to be helpful. Isadora nodded a little bit. "Ok, will you be ok in here for a few minutes?" She nodded again and I carefully got out of bed.

I wanted something to drink too so I was doing both of us a favor kind of. I made sure I stayed quiet on the way to the kitchen in case if anyone else would be awake. I grabbed a pair of cups and poured water into them. I put ice into one of them but it seemed too loud, so I decided that'd be Isadora's cup since ice water usually helped me calm down when I was upset in some way. I inspected the package of cookies on the counter. There was just enough left to make a good midnight snack without keeping either of us up for longer from the sugar. I held the cups in one hand and the cookies in the other and made my way back to the room.

"I'm back," I said quietly, carefully shutting the door behind me with my foot.

"My hero," She joked. I handed her the cup and she took a big sip of it. "Thank you."

"It's the least I can do with you all scared," I said modestly. She smiled and got out of bed, sitting on the floor next to it. I joined her, putting the cookies in between us so we could share easily.

"What's your opinion on storms?" She asked me. "Just out of curiosity."

I shrugged. "Well there's plenty of different types of storms. I've read a few books on the subject." I answered. "But with thunderstorms in particular, I've never really minded them much. I don't like if the thunder is especially loud or if the lightning is especially bright, but other than that I guess I can keep a level head."

Isadora nodded. "I see..."

The two of us talked until Izzie was feeling better, and a little longer after that. I put our cups on a folding table in the corner along with the empty package of cookies. She gave me a hug and thanked me for making her feel better before climbing into bed. I did the same. By the time we had finished talking, the storm had calmed, but not stopped, and it was roughly half past three.

*Thought I'd give you guys a cute short chapter (^u^)*

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