Chapter 57: Whispering Words

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*Klaus' POV*

We all sat at the table, staring at it and thinking. We had been, for a few hours at least. It was bedtime, I think, but it seemed too dim earlier to tell. I looked back at Phil's bunk. "It seems darker in here without Phil to find the bright side..." I said.

"It seems darker cause it is!" Jimmy inputted bitterly. "Sir won't let us keep the lights on. "

"He said we need to cut corners to pay for a new debarker dispenser."

"I'm surprised he can even show his face after what he did to Phil!"

"It's not his fault!!" Izzie spat at them, even if they wouldn't listen. "It's not your fault." She repeated to me.

"I know it's not..." I said. "It's Count Olaf's."

"And that foul bitch Orwell." She added. "She's five times worse than Olaf."

"They're a wretched pair of villains and they deserve to rot behind bars," Duncan agreed. "But to do that, we need to find the word that brings everyone out of their trance."

"Book!" Sunny suggested.

"That's right, we have a dictionary. We could read off every word and find which one breaks their hypnosis."

"And find Klaus' trigger words in the process."

Violet stood up and set a very thick book on the table with a thunk. "Hopefully this helps."

I opened it to the first page and cleared my throat. "'Aardvark'?" I announced. There was no response. "'Abacus'..."


"'Aberrant.'" I continued.

"You're waking everyone up!!!"

"I'm not afraid to hit a child..." Someone said, immediately discouraging me. I shut the book.

"There has to be a better way..." I mumbled, staring at the table again. Instead, Izzie and Duncan stayed up with me, whispering each word to me to try to trigger my hypnosis, and promised that when we found it, they'd so back to the front of the book to try to break it. Duncan had his notebook ready for when the words were, in fact, found. We fell asleep somewhere into the G's though and we still hadn't found the right word.

I woke up, feeling a hand on my shoulder shaking me. I didn't want to wake up, and I could tell from how much of my arm that it covered that it couldn't have been one of my sisters or the Quagmires. The person shook me again and I sat up, silently glaring at them. Foreman Flacutono, who had woken me up, looked at me with beady eyes.

"What?" I asked with an attitude, putting my glasses back on.

"Would you like to get back to work, Lucky Boy?" He asked, and I felt my consciousness dim and it felt like I had passed out.

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