Chapter 10: Inventing Affair

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*Violet's POV*

I felt really bad that Klaus and I were so quiet the whole day, even though I was sure the Quagmire Triplets would understand. Klaus was too tired and despondent to speak, meanwhile I had been thinking of ways to rescue Sunny, causing my silence. I hated the situation we were in. Marrying Olaf in of itself was horrible, even if he didn't have my baby sister hostage and even if he wasn't after the fortune. I hadn't planned on getting married until I was considerably older, and if I had found someone much closer to my age that I could love and trust. I didn't love Olaf in the slightest, in any sense of the word, and I would never trust him as long as I lived, and after that I wouldn't trust him as long as I was dead.

"Sunny must be so frightened..." I finally heard Klaus whisper before bed.

"I'm frightened for her," I whispered in agreement.

Klaus turned his head to look at me. "Your ribbon is still in your hair." He noted.


"What are you cooking up, Vi?" Isadora asked, sitting up. "Klaus told us you were thinking of something to help."

"Yeah," Duncan said, "Are you thinking of a way to rescue Sunny?"

"I'm still blueprinting." I answered.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help more." Klaus apologized.

I gave Klaus a small smile. "You found out what Count Olaf's scheme is. That's extremely helpful." I stood up, smoothing out my nightgown. "You guys get some sleep. I think I know what to invent. I'll be in the bathroom so I don't bother you."

"Good luck, Violet." The Quagmires said in unison. I smiled appreciatively at them.

"You got this." Klaus added, smiling at me.

"I got this..." I repeated softly, grinning as I left the room and softly shut the door behind me. I had been casing the joint all day as we did our chores, making notes of objects that would be helpful to what I was trying to build. It was nearly one in the morning so I was able to sneak about to snatch items without getting caught as long as I stayed quiet.

There weren't many items to use for an invention. I grabbed a few kitchen appliances like the pasta maker and the hand mixer. I also grabbed a curtain rod and quietly snuck into the room to grab a rock from the pile Olaf had left in there. I took down one of the many eye paintings to repurpose the wire it hung from, and most importantly, I stole a lot of sheets...

As I turned a corner into the hallway where the bedroom and bathroom were, I gasped softly when I saw someone else. I quickly relaxed as I immediately realized it was only Duncan, with a bundle of sheets in his arms. "I thought you were about to be someone else," I said quietly, chuckling a little bit over how easily frightened I was by someone so harmless when he did absolutely nothing.

"You spooked me for a millisecond too," He agreed. "Are those what you're using for your invention?"

I nodded. "What are those sheets for?"

Duncan smiled at me, slightly embarrassed. "They're the ones we took for Sunny. I wanted to bring them to her, but Fernald wouldn't let me in to give them to her. I wanted to make sure she knows we're trying our best to rescue her and get out of here."

I beamed. "That's so considerate of you. She would have appreciated it. What about Klaus and Isadora?"

"They're asleep already. Klaus was out like a light nearly as soon as you left the room. I can't believe he stayed up all night last night."

"It's remarkable," I agreed. "Would you like to come and keep me company while I invent? I'd appreciate having someone to talk to and the extra safety."

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