Chapter 90: A Private Conversation

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*Fiona's POV*

The Quagmires and the Baudelaires hadn't been on the Queequeg for that long by now, but despite this I still felt like my friendships with all of them were developing quickly. They're a very kind bunch of people, and I was super glad we all got along. They didn't get grossed out at all by my passion for mycology, which is a gigantic win in my book.

Duncan and Isadora were very smart and, like their brother, very goofy and sarcastic. I was extremely happy to see how happy Quigley was around them in person. He had told me about them and how happy he was to see them over letters, but reading about them was one thing and meeting them was another. The Baudelaires were a swell group too. Violet reminded me a lot of myself, which thankfully ended with us getting along extra well rather than butting heads due to our stubborn sides. Klaus was the smartest of the bunch, and I usually ran into him in the library where we would talk for a bit about some book one of us had in our hands, and somebody (usually Isadora) would come join our conversation with a bright smile. Sunny was a very sweet kid and had a lot to say despite her communication skills, or lack thereof. I was quick to understand her though, and Violet and Klaus had a good time teasing the Quagmires about how I'd replace all three of them for understanding her quicker than they did.

Duncan and Violet, and Klaus and Isadora made very cute couples, both practically married and attached at the hip. I had my eyes on someone myself: a certain cartographer with soft, shaggy hair and the prettiest pair of green eyes that I'd ever seen. I had assumed we'd be hand in hand by day 3, but I didn't mind. I could be patient; he was worth the wait.

I was going to get Quigley for dessert, actually. Isadora and Sunny had made a special treat, and I had received news earlier that I really wanted to tell him. I knocked on the door to the second barracks where the boys slept. There was a barely heard "Come in!" from inside and I found Quigley on his bed reading a book.

"Oh, hey, Fiona!" He beamed when he saw me, bookmarking his page and setting aside his book. "What's up?"

"I came to fetch you," I said. "Your sister and Sunny made brownies with some supplies we had picked up before getting you all."

"Oh, were they allowed to do that?" Quigley sat up, suddenly nervous that they'd get in trouble for using the fresh stuff for baked goods.

"Yes, yes, don't worry," I giggled, sitting next to him. "Can I talk to you first? I have news."

"Sure thing! What's happening?"

"In one of our last telegrams, do you remember that program I told you I applied for?"

"Did you get in??" He exclaimed, excitement clear in his tone and giant grin.

"Yes!!!" I squeaked back. "I start in three months! Isn't that incredible?!"

"Of course!! I'm so happy for you!"

I was in his arms before I could realize he had pulled me in for a very tight hug. I wasn't complaining, and instead hugged him back. His embrace loosened after a couple seconds, maybe realizing he was gonna crush my bones, but we stayed hugging for a little while longer. By the time we had pulled away from eachother, I was blushing pretty hard and trying to hide it from him, and I was pretty sure if I looked there'd be a light dust of pink on his face too. God, a blushing Quigley Quagmire sounded like the most wonderful sight in the world; I had to sneak a peek. I turned to look at him and GOD was I right!!!!!!

After the mild brain malfunction I experienced, I just found myself staring at him. Quigley was honestly one of the prettiest boys ever. It wasn't very fair.

"Oh my god..." I breathed out. He apparently found that funny.

"What?" He asked through little giggles.

"Nothing... I just... It's rare to see someone so gorgeous..." I said quietly.

"Rare??" He seemed surprised. "That can't be true. There's mirrors here, how can it be rare for you to see a gorgeous face??"

I giggled. "Stop..."

"No really," he laughed too. "You're so pretty."

"You're making me blush!"

"Good, that's what I want!'

"Stop that," I giggled, hiding my face in one hand.

"Don't hide!"

"No!" I said, muffled by my hand and my laughter.

"Please, I wanna see your smile!"

"No, stop being so cute!"

He grabbed my wrist and pulled it away from my face, his other hand grabbing my chin to make me face him. "Do you actually want me to stop?" He asked with a cocky smirk, although I could tell the question was semi-genuine. His face was dangerously close though and I couldn't bring myself to answer the question.


"Yes, Doll?"

"Please kiss me..."

He chuckled, but quickly complied. It was probably the best moment of my life at that point, but I was heavily biased and I definitely was not thinking completely coherent at that point.

But it was nice. Really, really nice...



"What are we?" He asked. Both of us cringed at the cliche question, but that made us laugh at that.

"I uh... What do you want to be?"

"I don't care what we are as long as I can call you mine."

"Aren't you just a charmer," I rolled my eyes, smiling anyway. "I like the sound of us being boyfriend and girlfriend. It sounds right..."

"I'd like that... I love you, Fiona."

"I love you too, Quigley."

Another kiss, another giant, stupid grin on my face.

"I feel like I've been waiting forever to kiss you..." He mumbled sweetly.

I giggled. "Was it worth the wait?"


We sat for a few more moments, smiling at eachother like dopes, until Quigley stood up. "Now, come on! I heard a really gorgeous and smart scientist has a special announcement about a certain program she got into? Let's go!"

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