Chapter 30: More Questions Arise

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*Klaus' POV*

"Are you sure you're our Aunt Josephine?" I asked half-jokingly.

"Of course I'm sure," she laughed lightly. "Although, I prefer the word 'certain'! Follow me... But mind the rug. You might trip and break your necks..."

She walked ahead of us to lead us through the tour.

"Fierce Aunt Josephine..." Violet muttered.

"Formidable Aunt Josephine..." I added quietly.

"Delmo..." Sunny said. 'Crazy Aunt Josephine...'

Josephine turned around. "'Delmo'? What do you mean by 'delmo'? I consider myself an expert on the English language, and I have no idea what the word 'delmo' means."

"Sunny doesn't speak fluently yet," I said. "It's just baby talk, mostly, but she is a great conversationalist once you learn to understand her."

"It's easier than you think," Isadora added. "Duncan and I have known her roughly three and a half weeks, and we understand her very well."

"Well, I'm certain I can get her to speak in actual words in a quicker time. Come along, children, I wish to get through the tour before I begin preparing lunch. Have you eaten anything yet?"

"Yes," Duncan answered. "Mr. Poe got us some to-go food from a diner early this morning."

"Excellent. This is the kitchen. Be weary of the refrigerator; it could fall on you. Do not touch the stove; you could burn yourself or the house. Be very careful with the butter knives. They might be the sharpest things in the house."

I wanted to correct her on a few things, but I didn't want to be rude, or even make her afraid of Sunny due to the sharpness of her teeth. If she wanted us to be careful with butter knives, she'd probably scream if she saw the things Sunny can do with her teeth.

"This is the radiator," She continued, leading us deeper inside. The floors creaked slightly, and I could tell it was unsettling to Isadora by her immediate latching onto the closest thing she could, and that's how I ended up having one free arm throughout most of the tour... Moving on... "Please do not touch the radiator ever. I know it gets cold in this house, especially at night, but I'm afraid of it exploding... So, if you get cold, curl up in a blanket, or put on a sweater perhaps."

During Aunt Josephine's tour, we came to realize she was afraid of nearly everything in it. I guess we were lucky she wasn't scared by the plumbing, huh? That would have been troublesome...

"Make sure you grab your bags, children," She said once we re-entered the front of the house. "I'll show you your rooms, then my library!!"

Isadora perked up. "You have a library?"

"Of course!" She said with a proud grin. "Follow me upstairs."

She led us up the stairs and to two doors. "I don't have very much room in this house, but I figured you would all feel cramped in one bedroom, so there's a boy's room and a girl's room. They look nearly identical, aside from the girl's room having a crib for Sunny. Come in."

She led us into the girl's room. It was well lit with blank white walls and blue carpet. There were two good sized beds against the wall, each with their own nightstand and chest at the foot, and there was a crib with a chest at its foot in the corner. Each had a blue bedspread and one fluffy pillow. There was a closet door on the corner across from Sunny's crib and a window with a pile of tin cans underneath across from the beds.

"I hope it's comfortable enough for you three..." Aunt Josephine said, fiddling with the hem of her red sweater.

"It is. Thank you, Aunt Josephine." Violet answered.

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