Chapter 6: We Have a Complaint

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*Violet's POV*

The next morning, as per usual, brought on chores, but this time we had a new one. "We have to chop firewood?" I repeated dubiously.

"Yes, now get to it." Count Olaf answered, ushering the five of us out of the back door and into the backyard. "And make sure you put some elbow grease into it!" He exclaimed, slamming the door.

I pouted grumpily, making my way to the pile of wood and grabbing the axe from on top of it. "I guess I'll do it." I announced, eying the sharpness of it wearily.

"I've been chopping firewood the whole year, Violet." Duncan told me. "If you don't want to, I can chop it." He smiled at me and I considered it. The axe did feel kinda heavy, so I handed it over. He set it down and I walked to sit down next to Sunny on the wheelbarrow, which had been emptied of water and dried to put some of the wood into.

"Mr. Poe must've made a horrible mistake taking us here," I said since the five of us were alone for the time being.

"Agreed." Duncan added, taking a swing at the log on the stump.

Now I would have said more on the subject, but my dumbass teenage brain got me a bit distracted... Duncan had taken off his sweater, which I seemed to think was impossible after five days of literally never seeing the two separately. His sweater was put on another stack of logs and now I saw the black tshirt that he'd been wearing underneath it. And... Jesus Christ. Lengthy description short, damn. I mean at this point specifically I knew it was not the time to be indulging in such thoughts, but I suppose five days was long enough to have known Duncan to at least acknowledge his attractiveness, even if it was just to myself... I rubbed my temples, making myself focus on the much more important conversation.

"There's no way any of our parents' would want to put us in the so-called 'care' of Count Olaf," Isadora said, shaking her head.

"Clearly," Klaus remarked, touching the bruise on his face, "we need to leave as soon as Olaf's back is turned. I'd rather take my chances on the street than stay here any longer."

"But who knows what kind of misfortune could befall us living out on the streets!!?" Duncan countered. "I agree this house is Hell but at least here we have a roof over our heads!"

"I wish our parent's money could be used now!" Klaus said with a heavy sigh. "Then we could buy a castle and live in it, with armed guards patrolling the outside to keep out Count Olaf and his troupe."

"With a large inventing studio..." I said wistfully.

"And a library."

"Gibbo!" Sunny contributed, voicing how great it'd be to fill it with all sorts of biteable objects.

"And a study that Isadora and I could write in!" Duncan beamed, but suddenly became self conscious. "Sorry, we shouldn't be throwing ourselves into your future or anything like that."

"Don't worry about it!" I smiled. "You're totally welcome to."

"Our future is right where we want you, Quagmires." Klaus said. "Perhaps Justice Strauss could adopt us instead? She said her home is always open to us."

"Oh trust me, Klaus," Isadora said, "If the five of us were able to live with her, we'd be pushing you three out of the front door and across the street in a heartbeat. But she meant that we're welcome to use her library..."

"But maybe if we explain our predicament-..." We all looked at him with doubt. "Yeah... You're right..."

"Mr. Poe did say we could contact him if we had any questions." I mentioned.

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