Chapter 89: What Do You Think?

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*Quigley's POV*

Truly, it was a rare occurrence that I would ask for my siblings' opinion on a girl I'm interested in. It was even rarer that I would actually take their opinions into consideration. But... It was also rare to find a personification of perfection such as Fiona Widdershins.

I remember a few years prior, I had a minor obsession with greek mythology after finding a couple books on gods and goddesses in our school library. Looking back on some of what I learned from those books, I couldn't help but think of Fiona as a mashup of some of them. Athena, obviously, being the goddess of wisdom and intelligence. Fiona was perhaps the smartest girl I had ever met, and I always liked it when she got all sassy over proving people incorrect even though I'd never admit it when it came to proving me wrong. Another, of course, is Aphrodite. I couldn't come up with a prettier face than Fiona's even if I had the best imagination possible. Aphrodite, I think, was also born of seafoam, so there was another connection (except the goddess was much less loyal than Fiona, who I'd willingly put my life in the hands of).

So, yeah, as I said, Fiona is absolute fucking perfection in my eyes, so this mattered a lot to me. I hoped and prayed that I'd get positive feedback from Duncan and Isadora. I wanted... I needed my siblings to like her.

"Duncan? Izzie?" I called into the room to get their attention. I got everybody's. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure thing," Izzie said, shutting her notebook and looking at me intently.

"I think he means in private," Duncan chuckled, getting up.

"Oh," she said, and climbed out of Klaus' arms.

"It won't take that long, I promise," I added, more for the sake of the elder Baudelaires who were tangled around them. They smiled and nodded, mumbling that "It's all good" and I should "Take as long as you need."

I caught Fiona's eye for a split second and felt a pang of nervousness. It felt like a cliche thing in some romance novel or something and I momentarily felt so, so stupid. She shot me a sweet smile that soothed my nerves quicker than they appeared. I quickly smiled back at her and followed my siblings to the library that was currently empty.

"What's up, Quigley?" Isadora asked, the two of them looked at me expectantly.

I had no reason to be nervous, right? Duncan and Izzie were bound to have a good opinion of Fiona. She was a very nice girl, and they were reasonable people. What would they have that'd be bad to say about her?

"What do you think of her... Fiona, I mean." I asked finally.

"She's really nice!!" Isadora beamed.

"I can tell she's a very good influence on you!" Duncan added.

"She's so pretty!"

"And smart."

"Overall, we really like her."

"She fits in well." My brother grinned.

"I'm relieved to hear that, really," I told them, smiling widely. "She's really important to me, and so are you guys, and I wanted to make sure everyone got along well! I love all of you guys so, so much and I just want everything to fit like a perfect puzzle. I know it's a little crazy to say but I honestly think that Fiona is like... You know... 'The One', if that actually is a thing..."

"Wow..." Izzie said like what I had said had been as profound as Socrates or something.


"We've heard you talk about girls before," Duncan said, "but you've never seemed so... Happy."

"Well, she makes me happy," I said, laughing in embarrassment.

"We can tell," Izzie giggled.

"So you think that I should ask her if she wants to be an official thing?" I asked hopefully.

"Wait, you haven't asked her yet?!?!"

"What the fuck have you been doing?!"

"I wanted you two to get to know her first!" I defended myself. "I didn't think it was that big of a deal! I've waited over a year to be with her, so I figured I have enough strength to wait one more quick little week."

"I guess that makes a little sense..."

"You're lucky that girl is patient with you, or you woulda been smacked by now for making her wait so long!"

"That too..." Duncan said, chuckling slightly. "But seriously; I'm not joking when I say you're not allowed to go to bed tonight until you've asked Fiona about where your relationship stands."

I snorted. "Okay that works just fine. I really don't wanna wait another second!" I grinned, and took the two of them into a hug.

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