Chapter 48: Finding Answers

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*Duncan's POV*

"We better hurry before the foreman realizes we're gone," Violet said as we walked into the library.

"Or before Sir returns," I agreed.

She sat Sunny down in a chair and we read the spines of the books. "They're all The History of Lucky Smells Lumbermill." She said with a sigh. "Who would want so many copies of the same book?"

I took one out to look at the author. "Take a wild guess," I scoffed, showing her the picture of Sir on the back. I set it down on the table near us.

"Figures," Violet said, standing next to me. "Whenever Klaus reads a long book like this, the first thing he does is reads the table of contents."

"Chapter 12: The Paltryville Fire." I pointed out. "Page 357." Violet flipped the book to that page and read out loud.

"'The Baudelaires and Quagmires were unequivocally responsible' and the rest is redacted. Grab another book."

I did so and opened it to page 357. "This one's redacted too."

We tested a few more to see if every single one was truly crossed out. Eventually there was a mound of books and Violet gasped as she opened one. "This one's not crossed out." She said excitedly. Before we could read what it actually said, we heard the door in the hall open and shut. I quickly went and grabbed Sunny, who had gotten ahold of one of the two books that were different here, but it was only a dictionary. I took the book anyway and the three of us hid behind some chairs. We heard someone walk in, probably Sir, and there was a noise like ripping paper. I tried to hold back a wince, afraid of whether or not I was right about what paper was ripped. I listened to hear him leave before whispering to the girls.

"I think he tore out the page," I said. Violet nodded in agreement.

"Sir!!! Your omelette is ready!" Charles called from a few rooms away.

"You better have made it right this time!" He called back and left.

Violet frowned. "We have to get out of here." She whispered. I nodded in agreement.

"Fundy," Sunny whispered, pushing the open dictionary towards us. There was a quote scrawled on the inside that read 'In every library, there is a single book that can answer the question that burns like a fire in the mind.' "Dada," Sunny added.

"My father wrote this..." Violet said with a soft smile.

Both of the girls were smiling at the page and I was happy that they were happy to see a memory of their dad. We stood up and hid behind the library door to wait for a good opportunity to leave without being seen. I held Sunny and Violet held the dictionary as we eavesdropped on their conversation.

"They're good children," Charles said. "I don't see why we have to lie to them. The truth is right there in your book."

"Not anymore. I had it redacted." Sir grumbled.

"Sir, you defaced your own book?"

"I didn't have a choice. Charles, we made certain deals to keep this mill open, and if she wants us to cover up the truth and blame the fire on them, well... That's the cost of doing business."

"Is it really worth it?" Charles asked hesitantly.

"This mill is all I have, Charles."

The girls and I peeked over and watched Sir throw something into the fire. It must have been the page. Sir turned back to Charles.

"And you." He said. "Of course I have you."

He left before Charles could say more and we hid ourselves again, leaving once the coast was clear. We had a lot to talk to Klaus and Izzie about when they returned from the optometrist...

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