Chapter 68: Up Early

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*Duncan's POV*

I had woken up early on the fourth day at Prufrock and I decided I'd do a little bit of reading while I waited for everyone else to wake up.

"Hey, Duncan," Violet said, yawning as she stepped out of her room ready for the day.

"Wow," I said. "You never get up this early! ... Who are you and what have you done with Violet??" I jokingly interrogated. She giggled.

"Oh shut your mouth!" She said, smiling widely. "I woke up early cause I wanted to."

I faked a gasp. "Violet Baudelaire wanting to not sleep in? This is absolutely unheard of!! Completely unprecedented!"

"Oh, har har, you're sooo funny," she said sarcastically, smiling anyway. "Do you want to walk with me to breakfast early or not??"

I smirked, bookmarking my page. "Is that why you woke up early?" I asked. "Wanna spend more time with little old me?"

"Oh don't get all cocky about it!" She rolled her eyes. "I could easily change my mind."

"I'm just joking," I said, grinning widely. "Just gimme a second to grab my coat."

I was quick to grab it, and I hoped that she didn't realize how desperate I seemed to spend time with her alone. It was probably futile; I was way too obvious around her. I couldn't blame myself for that; it wasn't my fault she was gorgeous and had an incredibly captivating personality. It wasn't my fault it only took me one compliment to turn Violet into a rose. It wasn't my fault she was so goddamn perfect.

"So... Howya been?" She asked me after we had been walking outside for a little bit.

"What do you mean?"

"How have you been? You know, like, what do you think about everything that's happened? This school? Quigley? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I've been wondering what's been on your mind."

I thought for a moment. "I don't know... I think I feel more in my element going to school. It feels normal. Izzie and I haven't been in school for a year, so I was slightly worried about catching up, but I'm quite sure being here is putting us behind even more."

"I agree," she said. "Being at this school hasn't helped us out academically whatsoever."

"Family-wise, however, I couldn't thank Prufrock more... Quigley was always a bit of an ass, but I have no idea how Izzie and I got this far without him. We're never getting split up again; I can promise that's true."

"I have no doubt about that," Violet grinned. "You and Isadora have lots of determination when it comes to the people you care about."

"Of course. I wouldn't be me if I didn't value loyalty. Mine to others, or vice versa."

"Makes complete sense," She said with a smile.

"I thought so. I'm really just ecstatic that I have him back."

"I'm glad; you deserve this, Duncan."

I smiled, remembering what it was like before the fire. Quigley was still just like how he used to be. Funny, protective of Izzie and me, and obsessed with his hair! I frowned then. Was he still exactly like then? He couldn't have gone all this time without any sort of change, right?

"Hey, Violet?" I said. "Can I ask you something?"

"I- Um... Sure?"

"Quigley hasn't been creepy to you, right? Like a flirty kind of creepy?"

"No. He's been nice to me, but I don't think he means it anything more than platonically."

"Good," I said. "He used to be a huge ladies' man, last I remember. I just don't want him to disrespect you."

"Nope. And if he did, I'm sorry, but I'd punch him."

"I'd restrain him so you could get a better shot." I told her. "After all the things he did in the past, he might deserve it."

She thought for a second and smiled, setting her hand on my shoulder. "Maybe you should let your bad memories of him go. Holding onto those could be keeping you from realizing he might be a new person. If you firmly believe that he would have said something bad to me by now, then he had to have changed, at least a little, because he hasn't been flirty-creepy with me."

I smiled. "That is logical. Thank you, Violet."

"No problem; I have lots more opinions and ideas that nobody asked for if you'd like to hear more," she said, and laughed a little. I laughed too.

"Maybe some other time."

"Alright then," She smiled. "I have something to thank you for too."

I tried to recall something specific that she hadn't thanked me for. I couldn't think of any. "What is it?" I asked, giving up.

"Thanks for defending me when Carmelita called me an idiot," she grinned. "That was very sweet of you to do."

"It's my pleasure. Anyone with a brain knows you don't deserve to be insulted like that." I said, brushing it off and I started to go into the cafeteria so we could get breakfast. She stopped me and turned me around.

"No, really. You're always there for me." She said with a sweet smile.

I shrugged. "Well, you're always perfect, so I think that evens out pretty well." I said, and went into the line to get food. She followed me, but didn't say anything to me. Had I made her speechless? Yes!!

We got our usual table (that nobody sat near because we sat there, as if being an orphan was contagious). I didn't mind though; we'd always have an ensured table to eat meals at.

"Hey, before our siblings show up, I have a really stupid question, and if you think it's too stupid, you can totally forget I said a word."

"You've met my brother, Violet," I said, and took a sip of my juice. "Only he can come up with something categorized as 'too stupid.'"

Violet laughed. "Well okay then..." She scooted closer to me. "Do you want to sneak out of tomorrow night's recital with me?" She whispered.

My eyes widened. Was she joking?? Her sly little smile told me she wasn't joking. I tried to stop myself from letting a giant, dorky grin show. "Yeah... Yeah I'd love to."

All alone with Violet?? How could I say no to that?

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