Chapter 84: Meeting Madame Lulu

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*Duncan's POV*

We pulled up to the abandoned parking lot of Calagari Carnival, the gravel munching under the van's tires. There were only a few lights in the entire park on, making the headlights stand out. It was nearly silent aside from the small noises of crickets and the wind that put a chill in the air. The carnival looked so forgotten and sad. It probably was forgotten and sad, considering its location. It didn't look like anyone had been there in a century.

"Madame Lulu's tent is this way," Quigley said, an excited grin spread across his face. "Follow me!"

"I thought you said your aunt's name was Kit?" Klaus questioned, following after my brother.

"Madame Lulu is an alias- a fake name for the rotating position of fortune teller. She's sort of like an actress, constantly playing the role of Lulu. Have you seen The Truman Show? Think a little like that."

"Ah," Klaus said simply, lingering back slightly to walk closer to Isadora.

"This is her tent," Quigley said, standing outside of one of the large yellow and red ones. He began to go inside, but stopped at the curtain when he saw the looks on our faces. The five of us were staring at the white detail on its front. "What?" He asked.

"The... Eye..." Izzie squeaked out.

"Quigley, are you sure we trust this?" I asked. "Count Olaf has this eye tattooed on his ankle..."

Quigley blinked. "Oh... I'm sorry I didn't know. I can see why you'd hesitate, but I promise you we'll be safe. Here, I'll show you. Step back a bit."

We did as Quigley requested and took a couple steps backwards. He smiled supportively and showed us what we weren't seeing.

"It's the symbol of V.F.D.-"

"Quigley." Olivia said in a soft yet warning tone. "Remember the rules."

"Right, right," Quigley mumbled. "It's the organization's insignia," he explained, "a mark to show who your allies are."

"Count Olaf isn't our ally," Violet said, her eyes not leaving the eye on the tent.

"Why does he have the eye if it's to show your allies?" Klaus added.

" We can ask Kit- Madame Lulu... It's a long story, and I barely know half the details..." He admitted, tracing over the shapes in the drawing in a longing way. "I know it's why everything's gone wrong..."

"V... F... D..." Izzie mumbled as she watched Quigley trace over the eye's shapes.

"We don't say it out loud, I'm told." Olivia reminded us.

"Right," my sister nodded. "Oops."

"Let's go inside," Quigley said finally, and shoved aside the curtains. We crowded into a small room that had nice furniture and a fancy looking rug on the floor. Nobody was there. Maybe she was asleep. I had seen all I needed to see in this part of the tent, but there was a curtain of hanging beads that looked like it continued into a new room. I began to take a few steps towards it...

A woman in a purple gypsy-esque outfit stepped out from behind the beads, startling me slightly, and began speaking with a heavy foreign accent. "Who dares visit Madame Lulu at such an hour-" she cut herself off when she saw us and beamed, beginning to talk normally. "Olivia! Quigley! Well I'll be!!" She exclaimed, welcoming the two in her arms.

"Kit!!" They beamed, hugging her back.

"How's the baby?" Olivia asked.

"Doing well. She's healthy and hasn't been giving me much trouble."

"'She'? Is that right?" Quigley asked for confirmation. "Because if so, that's gonna make it difficult to name after me." He joked.

"Har har," Kit faked a sarcastic laugh. "It's just a hunch." She said, smiling wide, not mentioning it's already quite difficult to name a baby 'Quigley' in the first place. "Now, please, give me introductions!!!" She added, looking at the five of us.

"Oh, of course!!" Quigley said. "This is Duncan and Izzie, I told you about my siblings."

"Well you three sure are related," she giggled. "The resemblance is a little eerie! I'm sure Quinten and Karrie are so happy you're back together..."

"Duncan, Izzie," Quigley said, "This is our Aunt Kit."

"Pleasure to meet you," we said politely.

She grinned. "The pleasure's all mine, kids..." She looked down at my hand and Izzie's and noticed that we were holding onto our respective partners and grinned knowingly.

"And the Baudelaires, I reckon," she said. "You look just like your parents too."

"Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire." I introduced them.

"How do you do?" Vi asked with a small smile.

"I'm doing great, thank you, Violet."

Kit smiled at us, but then her eyes widened. "It's nearly midnight; what on Earth are you guys doing here??"

"I had to get them out of Prufrock," Olivia said. "It wasn't safe there and it was Quigley's idea to come here."

"We had to!" Izzie defended.

"We've been chased from home to home by this madman named Count Olaf!" Violet added.

"No matter where we go, he finds us!"

"He won't stop until we're dead and he has the family fortunes." I added.

"Kit?" Quigley said carefully.

Kit had frozen, staring down at the floor with glassy eyes. She quickly dabbed at her eyes, returning to reality. "I see... I'll tell you what you need to know... In the morning. It's a long drive from that school to Calagari, isn't it? Liv, you must be exhausted..." She said, making Olivia nod with a small smile.

"I have an empty caravan with hammocks in them," Kit informed us. "Come along."

We looked forward to finally getting our answers, and I'm sure Olivia was looking forward to getting some rest!!!

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