Chapter 74: Safe in Your Arms

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*Isadora's POV*

I couldn't stand it anymore. Waiting and waiting for what felt like an eternity for Klaus to make a move first was really taking its toll on me. I just had to go and fall for a boy who's just painfully shy, huh? Well, I wasn't...

Painfully shy, that is... Definitely shy, just not to the extent he was.

But it was also so cute that he was shy... He's just so cute in general, and sweet to me... And funny, smart, handsome, and he was just so damned huggable. I felt like I had repeated those thoughts over and over and over since I met him. I know it sounds so corny but I could literally never picture my future without Klaus in it. It was impossible.

We were in the library, reading after we had finished studying for Mrs. Bass' test tomorrow. I was in my favorite chair and Klaus was sitting on the floor. His book was on a coffee table in between us and he was laying his head down as he read. He even found a way to make sitting on the floor cute to me... Klaus closed his book and looked up at me. I quickly looked back down to my book in my hands, hoping he didn't notice my staring.

"I'm gonna go put this book away," he said, and yawned a little. "Do you want to leave soon?"

I smiled. "Sure. I'll stay right here 'til you come back."

Klaus smiled back and left. I kept an eye on him until he disappeared behind a shelf.

"What are you gawking at over here?" Olivia asked quietly, sitting in the chair next to mine. I could tell by the look on her face that she knew damn well what I was gawking at.

"I... I really like Klaus," I whispered to her, "but I don't have a clue on how to ask him out. I really want to today though."

"Hm... Well what makes you feel the most at ease and comfortable?"

"Books... But I don't really want to ask in a public setting... And we could get in trouble..."

"If you mean getting in trouble for PDA, you two are too young for anything that'd get you in serious trouble. Not to mention you can't get in trouble if you don't get caught... Now if you'll excuse me, I have quite a bit of work to do. Make sure you come say goodbye when you leave, or I'll be too distracted to notice."

I nearly cackled at the very obvious opportunity she provided. I wasn't going to pass it up though. Definitely not. I got up and quickly went to find where Klaus went. I found him scanning more book titles to see which might be interesting to read tomorrow. I realized I still had no idea what I was going to say.

"Hey, Klaus," I said softly. "Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, of course, what's up?"

I held my book close, as if hugging it would help me think of what to say. "I love you. I love everything about you, like how you're always there for me and you support me unconditionally. I love how smart and sweet and funny you are. You find a way to make anything so cute. I just absolutely adore you..."

Klaus' face was red from blushing and he was smiling wider than I had ever seen him smile. "I love you too, Izzie. I don't even know how to explain it without copying you exactly though. You're too amazing."

Klaus put his hand in my cheek and I melted into his touch. I heard him chuckle and he pulled my face closer to his. He kissed me!!! Like, on the lips!!! When he pulled away I got all giggly for no reason and hugged him tightly.

"I'm not gonna stop blushing for like three days," I joked, still giggling.

"You're telling me!" He laughed. "I don't know where that came from... Well, I do, me, but you get my point... I'm gonna shut up before I start rambling..."

"I think your rambling is cute..." I said, smiling.

"Good to know..." He chuckled, blushing and smiling too. "Does this mean we're um..."

He didn't even finish his sentence, but I started nodding extremely enthusiastically and he just grinned. I hugged him again and he hugged back. I felt safer in his arms than I ever had before.

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