Chapter 73: Receiving a Telegram

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*Quigley's POV*

I was on my way to the library by myself. Violet and Duncan were off being coupley and Isadora and Klaus were reading Sunny little kid books so she'd learn how to read earlier. I didn't mind the silence though. I hadn't had a moment to myself for days, it felt like, so going to the library by myself was fine.

"Hi, Olivia," I greeted when I snuck into the room. It was already past the open time, so I would get in trouble if I didn't sneak in.

"Quigley!! Hello!" Olivia smiled. "Welcome back."

"Thank you. Is that copy of The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations in yet?"
Olivia chuckled. "Not since you checked last hour," she answered.

"Damn it..." I muttered. "My siblings and their friends need it!"

"I know... I'm sorry, Quigley..." She said, but then smiled. "If it makes you feel better, something else came in though!"

I grinned. "You mean she sent a telegram?!" I exclaimed.

"Yep! I left it in my office next to the telegraph... I promise I didn't read it."

"I know you didn't..." I said, and scurried towards her office. I picked up the telegram from Fiona that was next to it.

I'm so sorry I've been so busy!!! I missed reading your telegrams so much but I just haven't gotten the time to reply! We've been so busy with repairs, and trips, and there's a science program in the city that I applied for and I was hoping to get an answer before I talked to you again, but I haven't heard any news. Nevertheless, I hope this finds you well! Stepfather says that your siblings are at Prufrock now? That's amazing! We've been begging Jacques for updates since we saw them in the newspaper. I hope they've found at least some comfort there; learning you're alive must've been a shock. I hope you've been honest with them about the new you! They deserve to know all about this new you. I really, really hope I get to meet them someday! I miss you so much, Quiggles.
I look forward to hearing back, Cutie,

I smiled. It was always so great to hear from Fiona. I was so happy she gave me a second chance a long time ago when I had made a horrible first impression. I was still an asshole and she was not fond of it at all. She became more sympathetic when she broke down the reason for the attitude. Fiona was super smart like that. She knew a lot of stuff about psychology and, although it was a little rude, she told me that my behavioral problems were caused by my insecurities. After a very loud argument, I ended up acknowledging that she 'probably wasn't too far off'. She said that she understood that I was upset and explained that anger and getting defensive were natural reactions to pointing out flaws, and she apologized for somewhat attacking me and my personality. I can see that I deserved being knocked down a few pegs now. She helped me stop being such an asshole and I had gone through the difficult process of reshaping my personality. It was challenging to make myself better, while still feeling like I was me. I felt a little like a chalkboard for a while, I guess you could say. Even when it was erased, there was still chalk on the board. It felt pointless at some points, but now I had so much and it was worth all the work. I was never going back to that Quigley.

I looked back over the message and tapped my response.

You have no idea how refreshing it was to get your message! I'm doing well and so are my siblings! They came with their friends Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire and Duncan and Izzie are definitely finding comfort with them. Duncan and Violet started dating officially just yesterday and Klaus is working on asking Isadora out. I hope you don't mind that my siblings know about us. I got too excited to tell them when I was given an opportunity. And when they saw me they actually fainted! I didn't blame them; if I was in one of their places, I would have too. I promise I'm trying to be better for them and show them I've changed. It's like I haven't missed a day with them; it's still the exact same dynamic despite the changes I've made, which I don't mind. Have you seen anything cool lately? Fun landmarks? Weird creatures?? I'm still waiting for you to tell me that you've found a mermaid! You had to have! There's mirrors on the Queequeg, aren't there???
Please message again soon, Fiona!!! (And don't call me Quiggles!!!)

I folded up the telegram from her. I had an empty shoebox that I kept all of her messages in, and I was happy to have another to add to it.

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