Chapter 76: Pep Rally

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*Klaus' POV*

Isadora and I were bored as hell in Mrs. Bass' class, as usual. We had an hour-long quiz on different items we had measured, and if anyone spoke, she'd give us all negative points on it. I was pretty sure that wasn't possible, but the class was dead silent anyway. If we were able to finish it, Izzie and I would have read or something, but Bass purposely dragged the test through the whole class period. It was just so dull.

Eventually, the speaker in the room blared a loud noise, and it rapidly began going at higher and lower pitches. I'm gonna break that fucking violin...

"Pep rally!!!!" Vice Principal Nero said loudly. "Athletic field in fifteen minutes!!!"

Mrs. Bass groaned that her opportunity to torture us was cut short. "Alright, turn in your quiz as-is, and we might return to it after the rally. Put it in the turn-in box on your way out."

When we turned in our quizzes, Izzie's hand immediately grabbed mine, making me grin wide. We walked to the athletic field holding hands and looking around for our siblings to sit by. The difference between the classroom, where it was dead silent, and the extremely loud field made me sort of want to go finish that test we were taking just so I would be in a quieter environment. All of the pep rally decorations were faded and tattered and looked so sad.

"For a pep rally, you'd think they'd have peppier decorations," I commented.

Izzie chuckled. "Yeah, you'd think... Doesn't matter to me much though. I'm always peppy as long as I'm with you!"

I grinned. She's always too sweet... "Same here," I said, and looked over. "I see Quigley. He saved us seats."

Izzie turned around. "I see him! Come on!"

She was about to rush over to him, but I pulled her back by her hand, which was still intertwined with mine. "What?" She asked, giggling.

I placed a little kiss on her forehead. "That's it. Let's go." I said, making her laugh and we sat in the seats Quigley had saved us.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" Quigley asked, lifting up a pair of sunglasses.

"Nothing much, we just had a long test in class." Izzie said. "Where'd you get the glasses?"

"Jacques gave them to me," he answered. "Sent them to me for our birthday last year..."

"Very cool," I said. "Where are Violet and Duncan?"

"Getting Sunny," Quigley answered. "They assumed Nero wouldn't bring her himself and they wouldn't dare leave her alone in there."

"That makes sense," I said.

We talked for a little while longer until Duncan and Violet showed up with Sunny. "Sorry we took so long," Duncan said, looking angry.

"We had to ask someone to get Sunny from upstairs because the dickwad forgot her." Violet fumed. "Nero almost left her in his goddamn office because he was too excited about this stupid rally."

"That's horrible!" Izzie exclaimed. "Are you alright, Sunny?"

"Famipri," Sunny grumbled, meaning 'I'm fine, but it's not the only thing he's done that's damaged my pride...'

"If I could get a hold of that violin, I'd use it as a hostage for negotiation, I swear..." Duncan added.

"Better treatment would be nice..."

"Sunny not working for him."

"No Carmelita?"

"Who can't be beat???"

Carmelita was onstage in a cheerleader uniform, shouting at the top of her lungs and shaking pom-poms.

"A dead horse!!!" The student body cheered.

"Why are they saying 'dead horse'?" Isadora asked Quigley.

"Because the mascot is a dead horse. It 'can't be beat'..."

"That's dumb." I said, and pulled out my book. The Quagmires and Violet followed suit and pulled out their books too.

"Welcoming our talented vice principal, say hello to Vice Principal Nero!!!" Carmelita added, and tapped around furiously. There was applause, but definitely no cheering for him. Good.

"Thank you," Nero said when he came onstage. "Thank you. Welcome to the pep rally. I don't know which word I like better, the word 'pep' or the word 'rally'. Now, I unfortunately must announce that an accident has put our gym teacher in the hospital. They caught a football with their face... And fell off a set of bleachers and broke several limbs... As we all know, Prufrock Preparatory School has a motto. It's 'Memento Mori'. It's an ancient greek saying, that means 'Remember, you will die.'"

"Latin," I mumbled. "And that's elaborating on the literal translation..."

"And soon, indeed, the sun will set, the fiery orb of life... Leaving me... Alone!!!" He exclaimed, and played a dramatic piece on his violin. "Until, of course, you meet someone who truly understands and supports you with friendship, camaraderie, and cash bribes. Our gym teacher is irreplaceable, but I have found someone I know who can fill their shoes."

I looked up, curious to see who the new gym teacher was. My eyes widened when I saw who the two new cheerleaders were...

"And now, please welcome to the stage, a man with no resume..."

"Shit..." Isadora said next to me.

"No letters of recommendation..."

"Goddamnit..." Violet groaned quietly.

"No credit history."

"Why??" Duncan complained.

"What?" Quigley asked. "What's wrong, you guys?"

"But this man has such a marvelous ear for music, that I've hired him as the newest member of our faculty! Everyone welcome, Coach Genghis!!!"

Before the coach even jumped through the sign of the school's logo that the two white faced women were holding, we knew it could only be one man.

"Count Olaf..." We mumbled in stereo as he burst through the sign, wearing expensive looking running shoes, a track suit, and a turban.

"So much to learn, and I am here to school you," He said, smiling at us condescendingly.

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