Chapter 12: Backstage

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*Duncan's POV*

I wish we could say that everything happening backstage wasn't interesting. It was very distracting, with people rushing back and forth, some with scripts, and some with various props and set pieces. There was just way too much to focus on, and my sister and the Baudelaires seemed to be engrossed by the scenery too.

"We've been backstage for a play maybe once or twice," Violet said. "Why is it just as confusing when you're supposed to be here and your mom isn't just taking you to see all the treats in her dressing room?"

"Yeah you're not relating right now..." Isadora replied.

Olaf had ditched us as soon as we walked in, leaving us standing about. A man with curly hair wearing a pair of glasses and a jumpsuit passed us, but stopped and turned back towards us. We could see his face... How do I say this politely? ... He had a lot of warts on his face. He looked at us curiously, looked down at his clipboard, and nodded. "I see, I see..." He said in a raspy, shrill voice. "You must be the lead and the other supporting roles Count Olaf has listed. Violet Baudelaire, the bride, and the other three. Right?"

"The other three?" Isadora said, slightly offended.

"That's just what's written," he excused. "I'll make note of your names, which are?"

"Klaus Baudelaire, and Duncan and Isadora Quagmire." I said, pointing to each of us. "Who are you?"

"I'm Chip. I'm the Stage Manager." He said in an annoyed tone as he wrote, as if he constantly had to remind people of that. "If you'll follow me, I'll show you to your dressing rooms." We looked at eachother uncertainly, but followed anyway. "I've been told to separate Miss Baudelaire from the rest of you, and I'm sure the other young lady would like her own dressing room?"

"I'd be more comfortable not sharing one with two boys," Isadora informed. He nodded, taking note.

"Alrighty then," he said. "This one is for Klaus and Duncan, the one next to it is Isadora's, and the one down the hall is Violet's." He pointed to each room he was referring to as he scribbled things onto his papers.

"There's multiple down the hall," Violet said hesitantly. "How will I know which is mine?"

"There's a paper with your name taped onto the door. Remember, Olaf will have a walkie-talkie on him and he will be in constant contact with my friend up in the tower room. Now go." He turned the other way and left the hall. Klaus and I gave the girls hugs, making sure they got into their rooms before we went into ours. What was in our dressing room almost made me walk right back out.

Our costumes were a pair of white sailor outfits with the shorts that probably wouldn't even go past my knee. "You've got to be kidding me!!" I exclaimed, looking at them.

"They are very undignified." Klaus agreed.

"We're going to look ridiculous." I muttered. Klaus glared at me. "You're right. There's more things to be worried about than looking silly. I'm sorry."

The sailor costumes were even worse when we tried them on though.


"I look like a little boy who's mom dressed him up for the family portraits..." Klaus pouted grumpily at his reflection in the mirror.

"As I said, ridiculous." I muttered. "Where'd the rest of our pants go?"

"He'll probably use them to strangle us tomorrow..." Klaus said. "I'm frightened... How are we going to stop Count Olaf from marrying Violet, stealing the Baudelaire Fortune, killing my baby sister and me, and repeating the last two steps with you and Isadora?? We have three hours tops to solve this."

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