Chapter 16: Harmless Viper

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*Klaus' POV*

"Someone grab her!!!" Isadora shouted, "But avoid the snake!"

"Call a doctor!" Violet added.

"Get the snake back into the cage!"

"The snake!!! You let a deadly snake near my baby sister!!!"

"I told you we can only trust eachother!!!" Duncan exclaimed.

"You're laughing!?!?" I shouted at the man cackling next to us. Why would he be laughing?! Sunny was just bitten by an incredibly deadly viper!! She didn't seem to be in much pain and there weren't marks on her chin when the snake let go, but that didn't mean something didn't happen to her!!!

"Oh ho ho, I'm so sorry, bambini," He said, wiping his eyes that watered from laughing too hard and separating the snake from Sunny and putting it back into his cage. "I'm so sorry to frighten you but I couldn't resist! No no, Inky is one of the friendliest and least dangerous animals in the entire animal kingdom! Sunny will come to no harm and neither will you."

"But it's called the Incredibly Deadly Viper!!!" Isadora said, breathing heavily from her panicking.

"It's a misnomer!" He replied, "Do you know what that means?"

"A- a very wrong name...?" I answered.

"Well, a very fitting definition! I intend to play a little joke on those stuffed shirts at the Herpetological Society. Payback for years of ridicule! 'Hello hello, Montgomery Montgomery.' 'How do you do, how do you do, Montgomery Montgomery?' Well, at our next meeting, I'm going to introduce Inky here, and then pretend he's escaped! And then you know who'll be laughing then? Me!"

"I guess it's a little funny..." Violet shrugged with a small, awkward smile. "I probably would have laughed too if I was in your position." Duncan and I nodded a little bit in agreement.

"Yeah, I think I got a bit too high pitched there..." Isadora giggled slightly. "Are there any actually dangerous reptiles here?"

"No, but to make up for it I have a whole shelf with books about the more dangerous species and a cabinet of venom samples from some of the most dangerous snakes known to man, woman, and person! Speaking of my bookshelves, that leads me to the heart of the operation! My herpetological library!" He lead us to the area with all the bookcases and the comfy chairs. "The deepest secrets of the snake world can be found within these pages, and I hope that you'll find them."

"So we're really allowed to read all these books??" I asked excitedly, browsing the titles written on the spines of the books next to me.

"You are not only allowed, but you are implored to read these books!"

"I can't wait to read all these books!!" Isadora beamed.

Uncle Monty looked at us with a smile and sighed. "I admire your love for literature, Isadora, but remember we have a trip to prepare for, and time flies like a Winged Lizard... I know a few dangerous reptiles can make you skeptical of the entire species, but if you give them a chance and get to know them well enough to tell the dangerous from the good, I promise you no harm will come to you in the reptile room."

He took a chameleon from its perch on the shelf and held it carefully, letting it crawl on his hands a little before bringing it closer. I held my hand out and he let the chameleon crawl onto my hand and arm. I was used to having odd pets growing up, so I was excited about all the snakes and lizards and such we'd get to help care for. Before it was bats and during the day they mostly slept anyways.

Uncle Monty seemed like a great guardian. He was kind, had a nice house, was in an interesting line of work, and made really good cake. Maybe we will be happy with him...

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