Chapter 70: Asking for Approval

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*Klaus' POV*

Of course, asking Izzie to be mine would be the achievement of a lifetime, but unfortunately to do that, I would have to ask Duncan and Quigley for permission. This was bound to be awkward, I thought. Technically, I didn't have to, but it'd be more respectful to them if I asked. If they had some sort of problem with the idea of Izzie and me being together, I'd rather know before asking her as well...

"Well?" Duncan said. He and his brother were sitting in our room and I was standing in front of them nervously.

"What is this about?" Quigley asked.

"I um... Well, heh, you see... I was hoping I could ask you guys a question?"

"Go on..." Quigley said.

I didn't speak; how would I be able to word this question?? Duncan looked at me. "This is about Isadora, isn't it?" He asked, smiling slightly. I just nodded.

"I um... I was meaning to ask you for permission to ask her to be my girlfriend. I really, really like her and it seems to me like she feels the same, and I really just want to make sure I get everything right, so I wanted to ask you if it was, like, fine with you guys... I guess..."

Duncan grinned. "What makes you think we wouldn't be fine with it?"

"I... Well, I don't know. She's your little sister and I know you two are protective of her. Also one of you only met me a few days ago..."

"I've seen all I need to see," Quigley said. "I personally think you're a great match for Izzie, from my perspective. You seem like a very nice guy, and I see you making an effort to make her smile. You're a-ok in my book, Klaus... Not to mention Isadora would probably actually kill me if I was the reason she didn't get to date her guy-friend."

"And you're my best friend," Duncan added. "You're one of the people that I trust with my life, so I don't see why I couldn't trust you with my sister. You and Isadora are extremely nice to eachother so it's not like I'll have to worry about you guys being miserable when you start dating."

I beamed. "Thank you guys so much; seriously, you have no idea how happy I am to hear that. I swear I will make her as happy as I possibly can... If she says yes, I mean- Not that if she rejects me I'll stop being nice to her!! I swear I wouldn't do that-"

"Klaus, calm down!" Quigley said, holding back from laughing. "We understood what you meant."

"I- okay..." I smiled, relieved. "Thanks, guys."

"No problem."

"Just make sure she's happy."

"And if you hurt her, you're gonna be beaten black and blue."

"Quigley!!! You don't mean that!! Klaus, he doesn't mean that."

"It'll never come to that, I promise."

Huh. That was easier than I thought it would be...

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