Chapter 92: Back Into the Swing of Things

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*No POV*

'Time flies when you're having fun.'

The phrase remained true in this case, and the month on the Queequeg felt far too short despite every waking minute being spent well. The Baudelaires and Quagmires had already said goodbye to the captain and Phil, and Fiona had promised she'd lead them out.

"It was so nice meeting you, Fiona," Violet said with a grin.

"You as well!"

"And thank you so much for letting us stay," Isadora added.

"Who knows what would have happened to us if you didn't get us!"

"I had to!" The scientist giggled. "You kinda had my boyfriend!"

Quigley snickered. "You're welcome, you guys!"

"We look forward to seeing you in a few months." Duncan smiled.

"This one especially looks forward to it," Izzie teased, playfully pushing Quigley.

Quigley smiled down at the floor. "Yeah, I will. We're picking you up, right?"

"This exact dock, yep!" Fiona giggled... "Well... I guess you shouldn't make Olivia wait any longer..."

Everyone besides Quigley had given Fiona a quick side-hug, said goodbye, and began moving up the ladder. Quigley stayed behind, hoping to get a little more time alone with his girlfriend.

"I'll miss you," he offered quietly.

Fiona smiled. "We'll see eachother soon. It won't even feel that long."

"I'll miss you anyways..."

"You're very cute when you're like this," she chuckled, cupping his cheek. "I love you."

"Love you too..." He said, letting a smile show.

"There we go!" Fiona giggled. "I don't want you to leave all sad that we have to wait a little longer, okay? I don't like it when you're sad."

"Okay..." Quigley put his hand over hers. "You know what would really make me not sad before I go?"

Fiona giggled. "Already on it." She said before leaning up to kiss him.

Quigley eventually pulled away with a grin. "That made it a little better..." He joked. "Well..."


"I oughta go."

She giggled. "I guess. See you soon?"

"See you soon... I love you."

"I love you too..."

With that, Quigley halfheartedly climbed up the ladder, squinting when he reached the surface. Outside was brighter than he remembered, even with the sky full of clouds. Thankfully, it was a cloudy day and the beach was completely empty. "Where's Olivia??"

The others were scanning the parking lot to spot the librarian when they saw her pop out of her minivan.


The kids scrambled over to her, immediately pulling her into the middle of a giant hug.

"We missed you!"

"How have you been??"

"I think this rock on her finger tells you plenty about 'how she's been'," Quigley joked, holding out her hand for the others to see.


"Is that from Jacques?"

Olivia nodded, a smile pulling on her pink-tinted cheeks. "We're engaged." She informed them cheerfully. "Isn't it pretty?? I'm so worried that I'm gonna lose one of these itty bitty diamonds though! C'mon, we can catch up on the way to the bank!"

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