Chapter 7: The Role of a Lifetime

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*Isadora's POV*

I had gotten up earlier than everyone else to take a shower first and was ready for my day before the Baudelaires were even out of bed. I figured I'd be practically alone for a while so I sat by the window, relishing the sunlight now that the clouds had cleared. It reminded me of a poem I had read somewhere. I grabbed my notebook and flipped to the page where I had written it down. It had really resonated with me at the time and it still did, so I was glad I'd given it a page. I decorated the corner with a little sun and everything.

Dear Sunshine

The way you glow through my blinds in the morning
It makes me feel like you missed me.
Kissing my forehead to help me out of bed.
Making me rub the sleepy from my eyes.

Are you asking me to come out and play?
Are you trusting me to wish away a rainy day?
I look above. The sky is blue.
It's a secret, but I trust you too.

If it wasn't for you, I could sleep forever.
But I'm not mad.

I want breakfast.

I smiled at the page. The ending always made me giggle. There was a knock at the door. I knew it couldn't have been Duncan, he was still in the shower and I could hear it running, so it had to be either Olaf or one of his theatre buddies. I opened the door and saw Emerson standing there. "It was demanded of me I come tell the youth of the home that your breakfast will be served presently," they said in their usual monotonous tone, then glanced behind me. "Make sure the Baudelaires get out of bed quickly, or Count Olaf will be agitated."

"Thank you, I will handle it." I said with a small, polite smile. They nodded and I closed the door. First I went to wake up Sunny, since I thought she'd be the easiest. I carefully picked her up out of her bundle of sheets and told her in a soft voice that it was time to start the day.

"Fivum." She muttered.

"Nuh uh you already had ten minutes, and there's breakfast to eat, so you're not sleeping in an extra five minutes. Now help me get your siblings out of bed."

I crossed the room to the window and drew the curtains one at a time, letting more light into the room.

"Mmph, Izzie, close the fucking curtians," Violet whined.

"Can't sleep with all this light..." Klaus added.

"Oh quit fussing you two. I let you sleep in every day and we were made breakfast so we don't want to be rude." I told them.

"Yes I do wanna be rude," Violet said, sitting up anyway, "for all we know the food's poisoned or has ground up glass in it."

"Sounds likely," Klaus agreed, reluctantly uprighting himself and putting on his glasses.

"Do you see these two, Sunny?" I asked in an amused tone. "The things we have to deal with." I giggled. The Baudelaires decided they'd get ready after breakfast, so we waited until Duncan was done and dragged him to the dining room with his comb still halfway through his hair. There were five places set with bowls of oatmeal and fresh berries at each.

"Good, they were probably going to get cold if you came any later." Olaf said from across the table. We all sat at our seats and eyed the portions with uncertainty. He obviously noticed this, because he got up from his seat and took a raspberry from Duncan and popped it in his mouth. We decided that if he ate it, the food was safe, so we began eating, and Olaf let us finish before he spoke again. "I recently received a call from Mr. Poe. He told me you had been to see him."

"Is that so?" Violet asked.

"We're sorry he bothered you." Duncan said in his polite journalist voice. "We know you've been busy recently."

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