Chapter 14: Lousy Lane

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*Isadora's POV*

"It's a brand new chapter in your lives, children!" Mr. Poe said gleefully. We were driving along a stretch of road called Lousy Lane that ran through a horrible orchard. The apples growing from the trees made me feel sick to look at. They were probably extremely tart, like sour apple candies without the massive amounts of sugar. There was also a horseradish factory nearby, so the entire area smelled bitter and strong. Violet had her hair tied up, most likely thinking of an invention, Duncan was documenting the drive in his notebook, Sunny was napping, and Klaus and I were wishing we had books to read. I, however, had means of taking my mind off my lack of reading material and was doodling in my notebook. "In a few minutes, you'll be meeting Dr. Montgomery, your new guardian," the banker added. "After living in the city all your lives, I think that the country might be a refreshing change of pace."

"Oh, we only lived in the city for a little over a year," Duncan corrected him.

"Yeah, but this ought to be a refreshing change of scenery." I added. "I missed the clear skies."

"How exactly are my sisters and I related to Dr. Montgomery?" Klaus asked.

Mr. Poe didn't answer for a moment, thinking as he kept his eyes on the road. "He is, I believe, your father's cousin's wife's brother... So, distant relative, but the closest one that'll welcome you. He's a scientist and he was even happier that the Quagmires would be coming to live with him and his pets as well."

"His pets??" I asked excitedly. "What kind?"

"Dr. Montgomery didn't specify, but I'm sure he'll appreciate your enthusiasm for them."

"What should we call him if he's our dad's cousin's brother in law?" Violet asked. "I mean, he's not exactly our uncle..."

"You should call him Dr. Montgomery, unless he asks for you to call him Montgomery. You see, his first name and last name are the same."

"His name is Montgomery Montgomery?" Duncan asked.

"Yes, but I'm sure he's very sensitive about it so don't ridicule him..."

"We won't, promise" he replied, scribbling down the information. "Our parents raised us better than to tease someone for having a silly-sounding name."

Violet removed the ribbon from her hair with a sigh. "I can't focus on the invention I'm trying to think of; I'm too nervous about meeting Dr. Montgomery." She confessed to us. "Mr. Poe, do you know what kind of a scientist he is?"

"I'm afraid I don't know, but we're here! You can ask him yourself!"

I looked out the window to observe the property. The house itself, although somewhat plain and small, was very, very nice looking, and it seemed like it'd be spacious and well decorated on the inside. The lawn, however, was most likely meant to be the focal point. The shrubs were all trimmed into long, winding snakes. It must be such a hassle to keep them so neat, so I admired the creativity and execution. Klaus carefully woke up Sunny and we all climbed out of the van, grabbing our bags as well. The cops had gotten our things from Olaf's home and told us there weren't any signs of them being there since Friday. Mr. Poe noticed we'd be quite cramped in his car, so Polly took it to work and he drove us in her van.

Mr. Poe apparently thought we needed behavior lessons because on our way up the driveway he started coaching us on how to act. "Now, Klaus, don't ask too many questions- Violet, what happened to that ribbon in your hair, I thought it made you look distinguished! Isadora, don't do that thing where you sit there and make snarky comments-"

"Oh, you mean sarcasm!" I grinned.


"Mr. Poe, I would never be sarcastic with you!" I said with faked kindness. My brother and the Baudelaires snickered.

"Thank you. Sunny, don't bite Dr. Montgomery, and finally, Duncan, don't get all overprotective of everyone else. I know you're just taking care of them but not everything is an insult, okay?"

Well with his sons, that is actually the case. Violet was right, they're super rude. Duncan was constantly telling them off for being so disrespectful to the Baudelaires and us. I nearly socked them myself when they claimed it wasn't fair that the Baudelaires would spend time with us instead of them when they went to school together. Duncan said that they should try being decent people and also apologizing for all the horrible things they've said then there'd be a minuscule chance they'd spend time with them...

We stood on the steps near the front door and Mr. Poe rang the doorbell. It was very loud, probably so it could be heard throughout the entire house. We could hear approaching footsteps from inside and we all looked at eachother. We wondered what Dr. Montgomery would be like, and if he was at least a better guardian than Olaf, which was pretty easy considering the how absolutely fucking low the bar has been set. The door opened and a man looked at us with a giant smile.

"Hello, hello, hello, you must be the Baudelaires and the Quagmires! You have perfect timing; I just finished frosting this coconut cream cake!!!"

*The next one will be longer, promise!! I just know I have a friend who this might help cheer up...*

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