Chapter 75: I'd Rather Eat a Bowl of Vampire Bats

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*Klaus' POV*

Our little group was just talking at lunch and laughing at whatever we were talking about. It was so nice because we were all so content. We just really felt like a family! Izzie and I were holding hands under the table, which was much less obvious than my sister getting all snuggly with her boyfriend. We were all really just having a good time, which sometimes could be difficult to do at this school.

The only thing that would be able to ruin our fun was 'tap-tap-tap'ping right towards us...

"Hello, Cakesniffers!!!" Carmelita said cheerily. We all glared at her.

"What?" Violet said.

"Well, I figured you guys seemed too happy recently, so I just wanted to remind you that you're all cakesniffing orphans! You must be really terrible people if your parents would rather be dead than continue to take care of you!"

"That's not what happened," Isadora said, and I felt her grip on my hand tighten.

"They loved us no matter what," I added, hoping Izzie would stop using my hand as a stressball.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that, nerd." Carmelita laughed.

"I think you should leave," Duncan said, "before we shove your stupid tap-shoes down your throat."

She just laughed and danced away.

"That girl makes my blood boil," I grumbled.

"Don't even listen to her," Violet said. "She's just a bitter bitch; if we try to stay happy without her permission then she might leave us alone if she 'can't get to us.'"

"I'd rather eat a bowl of vampire bats; than spend an hour with Carmelita Spats..." Izzie said.

"I'll take the bats too," I added.

Quigley cleared his throat. "Once, I was up late and I snuck into the cafeteria for a midnight snack, and I found Carmelita nose-deep in a cake... Literally cakesniffing..."

We looked at him and immediately started laughing.

"You're joking. Are you joking?"

"Please tell us you're serious."

"Dead serious," Quigley said. "I'm saving that information for a rainy day."

"Thank you for telling us that!" Duncan said.

"It's exactly what we needed to hear," Izzie agreed.

"Screw lunch; we're all done, so let's just go to the library."

"Capital idea!" I grinned.

Quigley fits quite nicely into the group's dynamic, I think. Without him, we probably would have stayed at that table upset and angry. And it was always nice to see Duncan and Izzie happy with him being there too...

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