Chapter 13: Stopping Olaf

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*Isadora's POV*

I felt horrible. Olaf was now married to Violet and in complete control of her family's fortune. At least that is what I would have been thinking if Violet hadn't signed the document with the wrong hand. Sunny wasn't safe yet though, so at the time it was best to make Olaf think he'd triumphed, even if Violet's loophole didn't work after all. The band started playing some music which Olaf started dancing to, making his way downstage and laughing deviously. He flicked his wrist, motioning for the music to stop. "Ladies and gentleman," he addressed the audience, "I'd like to make an announcement. There is no need to continue with tonight's performance-"

He was interrupted by a few people applauding, thinking the atrocious play was finally over. The applause quickly faded away into a few coughs, then nothing.

"There is no need to continue with tonight's performance," Count Olaf repeated, taking off his wig, "for its purpose has been served. This has not been a scene of fiction. My marriage to Violet Baudelaire is perfectly legal, and I am now in control of her entire fortune."

There were gasps from the audience. "That can't be true!!!" Justice Strauss cried.

"On the contrary," he said. "The law says that the bride must say 'I do' in the presence of a judge like yourself and sign the appropriate document in her dominant hand."

"That girl is only a child!!!" Someone exclaimed from the audience. "A child isn't old enough to get married!"

"She is, if she has the permission of her legal guardian, who is moi."

"But that's not an official document!! It's- It's just a stage prop!"

Olaf smiled evilly at Justice Strauss. "If you look close enough, I think you'll see it is very real." He said, holding it up for her to look at.

The judge carefully examined the document and frowned. "I'm afraid... this marriage is entirely binding. Violet, you said "I do" and signed the paper with your left hand. Count Olaf, you are now Violet's legal husband... And a vile and terrible person!"

"A vile and terrible person who is in control of the entire Baudelaire fortune."

"I am so sorry, children!!! I can't believe how easily I was tricked!"

"You were easily tricked!" Olaf said cheerily.

"Now have your henchman bring Sunny here!!!" Klaus exclaimed. "You promised you would after Violet married you!"

"Now, now, Orphan," he said with fake sympathy, grabbing his walkie-talkie. "What kind of brother in-law would I be to you if I didn't keep up my end of the deal. Bring the runt here." He said into it, clipping it onto his back pocket.

"Hold on a minute, there is something wrong here!!!" Someone exclaimed, climbing onto the stage. It was Mr. Poe!! "I have known Violet since she was an itty bitty baby, and I have always recalled her to be right-handed!"

"As her brother, I can second that." Klaus added.

"That is correct," she said proudly, "If we have a second, completely blank sheet of paper, I'd be happy to compare signatures."

"Right-handed, right-schmanded!" Olaf scoffed. "You still signed it, so it doesn't count!"

"With all due respect, which is none," Violet retorted, "You don't have the legal knowledge or knowledge in general to be able to decide whether it counts. That's for Justice Strauss to tell us whether or not it 'counts'."

"That's right!!" Justice Strauss agreed. "That's right, I should tell you! I'm the judge here! Let me think!"

Some moments of suspense later, she answered. "I don't know..." There was a chorus of disappointed groans and 'What?!'s. "You should never be afraid to admit you don't know something. This case would take a formidable legal scholar to solve!"

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