Chapter 24: Search and Research

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*Duncan's POV*

Klaus and Isadora still wanted to give the adults a piece of their minds. Violet practically had to drag them into the Reptile Room, while I followed closely behind with Sunny in my arms. "Violet, what are you doing??" Klaus asked, trying to pull his wrist away like his sister's hand was suddenly made of acid. She pulled them next to the table and let go of their wrists.

"Grab a book and sit down." She ordered.

Isadora's eyes widened in surprise. "But, Violet, we can't help by sitting around reading!"

"I don't want to be in here either..." Klaus added. "Uncle Monty died here."

"Me neither, but we- you two have work to do." She explained in frustration. "It's work Mr. Poe should be doing, but as usual he is well-intentioned but of no real help. He believes that Stephano isn't Count Olaf in disguise, and he believes that Monty's death was an accident. We need to prove him wrong on both accounts."

"Tatven!" Sunny countered. 'But Stephano didn't have the tattoo! And Emerson says the Mamba du Mal's venom was in Monty's veins.'

Violet looked at her skeptically. "And you really believe that second part was the truth?"

"Knowie! Lies!"

"Exactly: lies. But they're lies we need concrete proof to disprove for the thickskull in the kitchen. We know the truth about all of this. Klaus, Isadora, you two need to find any book that might contain information about the Mamba du Mal. Let us know when you find anything."

"But that research could take days!!" Klaus argued. "Even with two of us."

"We don't even have hours," I pointed out. "The S.S. Prospero leaves at five and Stephano will grow more desperate to have us board as it comes closer."

"Yes, yes, we know." Isadora said nervously, not wanting to think about what would happen should we end up in Peru with the villain. She began to hand me and Violet books, but Violet refused them.

"We're not taking books." She said. "Duncan and I are going to hunt through his bedroom and see if we can find anything incriminating."

"Me?!" I repeated in surprise and slight fear. "His room??"

"Yes. We need to prove he's Count Olaf too!" She answered. Her face softened. "Sorry for being bitchy, but we're on a time crunch." We voiced our forgiveness and understanding and she picked her authoritative attitude right back up. "Thanks. Sunny, bite anyone who walks in. Klaus, Izzie, get cracking. Duncan, follow me."

I nodded and set Sunny down on the couch, leaving the room with Violet. She stopped in front of the kitchen door. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my notebook as she produced her hair ribbon. "What are you doing?" She asked in a whisper, letting it fall on the floor.

"If they catch us eavesdropping we need a reason to be here so we can say I dropped my notebook, but I see you're already doing that with your ribbon." I whispered back.

"Exactly." She pressed an ear to the door and I put away my notebook then did the same.

"But, Mr. Poe, if Stephano rides with me in my car, and you drive Dr. Montgomery's jeep," Dr. Lucafont was saying, "then how will you know the way?"

"I see your point, but I don't think Sunny will want to sit in Uncle Monty's lap if he's dead. We must find a different way, and we haven't even discussed the issue of all that luggage!"

She gave the door a dirty look as if she could see the adults through it. "Fucking idiots..." Violet mumbled. She picked her ribbon up from the ground and pocketed it, grabbing my wrist and leading me upstairs. She let go about three steps up though. We walked across the hall to Stephano's room, but she stopped in front of the door.

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