Chapter 46: First Day of Work

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*Isadora's POV*

I was having a wonderful dream. I was back in my old house, in the room I shared with Duncan and Quigley. It looked bright and sunny outside and my brothers and I had woken up to our butler serving us blueberry pancakes and freshly squeezed orange juice. We were all yelling at Quigley, who was hogging the maple syrup!!! He laughed and began to say something.

"Klang! Klang! Klang! Klang! Klang!"

I jolted awake, sitting up in bed and whined at the fact that this was where I lived now: A place where I woke up to the sound of metal pots banging together.

"Get up, lumber workers!" The cause of the ruckus yelled from the doorway. "Get up! I'm your new foreman, and you've got a new shipment of logs to turn into flat wooden boards!"

I groaned. It felt like I'd been woken up at three in the morning. I realized all the other workers had gone except for us. The foreman glared from across the room and came closer. The foreman's overalls were stained and his shoes were taped shut. He was no doubt bald as an egg, but rather than admit so, he was wearing a curly white wig. Under the wig was an unpleasantly staring pair of beady eyes and under his eyes was a surgical mask, like what doctors wear.

"I knew we had newbies, but I didn't hear they'd be midgets." He said angrily. "You idiots aren't even in your uniforms!"

"We're not midgets," Violet grumbled, getting out of bed. "We're children."

"Well whatever you are, you have ten minutes to report to the factory or you won't be provided your lunch today."

The foreman left and the rest of us scrambled out of bed. Ten minutes was quite generous to me. I probably could have been ready in six. When my feet hit the floor, I reached back up to grab my uniform so I could hurry and change in the restroom. I turned and Klaus was standing there holding Bubba.

"Here, he must've fallen off..." He said sheepishly, handing the stuffed animal to me. "Hopefully the fall didn't hurt him." He added. I giggled.

"Thank you, Klaus." I beamed, giving him a hug and accepting the bear. I put Bubba back on my bed and scurried off.

We were ready in the time I estimated and we speedwalked to the factory. "Have any of us ever had work experience?" Duncan asked.

"Not this kind," Klaus answered. "How could any of us have worked in a factory before?"

"Good point." He mumbled.

"Hurry up!!!" The foreman shouted from a booth near the wall of the factory. The booth had a small chalkboard sign saying "Today's foreman is: FLACUTONO". "It's log day!!!" He added.

"I hate log days..." Cesar groaned, walking past us.

We looked around and there were two themes around here that stood out most: Dangerous looking machines, and signs encouraging sacrificing your safety for using your time as efficiently as possible.

"Grab a debarker and start debarking!" Foreman Flacutono barked through the intercom. We quickly fell in line for the debarker dispenser and soon enough we each had one, except for Sunny, who could use her teeth.

"Oh, I love log day!!" Phil said to himself as we walked past him.

We chose three logs next to eachother and split into three groups, being Violet and me, Klaus and Duncan, and Sunny all by herself. Sunny usually finished a log before the rest of us, meanwhile we struggled with the debarkers. We didn't even get a break. Once we finished a log, they sent another one in! My arms were sore as hell and I could only imagine how Sunny's poor teeth were doing...

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