Chapter 86: Calagari Coast

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*Quigley's POV*

The next morning, Olivia had driven us out to the coast of Calagari. We were all very quiet during the ride. I was extremely nervous to introduce my siblings to Fiona. I was sure they'd love her but still nervous nonetheless... My siblings and the Baudelaires still seemed to be recuperating from their exhaustion, but were doing infinitely better than they were this time a couple days ago. We neared the coast, which had a thin sandy beach, a little broken down dock, and out past it all, the open ocean. We all got out of the van, standing on the sand and staring out at the water. A periscope emerged from the water near the dock, followed by the entrance hatch on top that the V.F.D. symbol decorated. I shifted my bag to the side of me; Kit had given us a copy of The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations and I was the one who was put in charge of it.

"Well, children..." Olivia said. "This is farewell..."

It suddenly dawned on me that she wouldn't be coming with us, but I denied it and tried as hard as I damned could to stop her from leaving us. We wouldn't see her for a month, if not longer. God damned the idea of never again...

"What?? No! You have to come with us!" I exclaimed. "Please?? Don't you want to see Fiona? You two get along so well!"

"Send her my regards..." She said simply.

"Please don't leave us, Olivia..." I pleaded, hugging her tightly. She patted my head gently.

"Quigley, I can't go..."

"Why not??"

"I can't help you if I'm hiding with you. You'll have Captain Widdershins to keep you safe."

I looked up at her and sniffled. She had been my only friend for so long. I knew she had to go but I hadn't the strength to let her. She helped me through the toughest time in my life ever. She was like another mom to me...

"This is already too hard on me, Quigley. I promise I'll be helping organize everything so you will all have perfect lives back in the city to return to..."

That gave me hope that we'd see her again. I let go and showed my bravest smile. She smiled back sadly and my siblings gave her a hug, and I heard them thank her quietly for all she had done for us and for me specifically. After, the two of them took my hands in theirs comfortingly as the Baudelaires and Olivia shared their goodbyes. The three of them returned to my siblings' sides. Olivia took a step back and looked at us.

"I love you, kids. I hope you'll be comfortable and safe with the Widdershins." She smiled as best as she could and gestured to the dock. "Be careful. As Ziglar said, 'Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.'"

"'The best is yet to come.'" I added, and broke from the formation to start walking down the dock, being careful where I stepped. My family followed me and I leaned down to knock on the hatchdoor.

"What's the password?" a voice asked through a little intercom.

"The world is quiet here."

"Climb aboard, Quigley and crew!" Captain Widdershins laughed heartily, which was made slightly staticy by the speaker.

"Aye aye!" I beamed as the door opened up. We let Violet and Izzie climb down first, and us guys followed.

"'Aye aye'?" Duncan repeated once we were all in the small room at the bottom of the ladder.

"We're gonna be here for a month; you gotta shape up to the Widdershins lingo quickly." I chuckled. "With no hesitation, we might say. Aye?"

"Okay..." Duncan said with a small smile. I gave him a look that said I wanted him to correct that. "Aye..." He said reluctantly, smiling harder anyways.

I led them through a hallway, urging them to be cautious when climbing around the pipes darting this way and that throughout. We eventually reached the main deck of the submarine and I heard the Captain's voice fully booming.

"Quigley, my boy!! Good morning!... Is it a good morning?"

"Aye! It is!" I beamed as he pulled me into a hug. Captain Widdershins always gives good hugs. He was one of those 'engulf you entirely' kind of huggers. At first I didn't like it but I quickly grew accustomed.

"Now, please, introduce me!!!"

"These are my siblings, Duncan and Isadora, and Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire. Guys, this is Captain Widdershins. He owns the Queequeg and he's Fiona's stepfather."

"Pleasure to meet you." Violet said with a big smile.

Widdershins smiled from her immediate answer. "Doing well, thank you, Miss Baudelaire! Come farther in and I'll show you around-"

A heavenly voice sounded from the upper levels.

"Well would you look at what the tide washed in!!" Fiona shouted down, leaning over the rail.

"Fiona!!!" I nearly screamed.


She quickly slid down the nearby manpole and pulled me into an extremely tight hug, almost as if I'd dissolve if she didn't hold me tight enough. I was hugging her in a similar way though. It simultaneously felt like we were hugging forever and not even a second. I was missing the pressure of her arms around me when we let go, but I was too overjoyed not to introduce her formally to my family, not being able to disguise my overflowing amounts of happiness.

"Guys, this is Fiona... Fiona... This is my family."

"It's so nice to meet you!" Fiona said, stepping towards my siblings. "You must be Duncan and Isadora. You look way too identical to Quigley not to be!"

"That's us!" Izzie grinned. "We've heard good things!"

"So have I," she beamed. "And that makes you the Baudelaires."

"Yep!" Klaus said.

"This is my girlfriend Violet," Duncan introduced her, "Isadora's boyfriend Klaus, and their little sister Sunny."

Fiona giggled, making my heart still momentarily. "I'm aware. Quigley's been keeping me informed since you've arrived at Prufrock. Welcome to the Queequeg!"

"Thank you, Fiona. We're glad to have a safe place to stay," Klaus said. Fiona was about to reply but Captain Widdershins cut her off in his excitement.

"It's our pleasure, Mr. Baudelaire!" He said with a bright smile. "Our cook has just finished preparing lunch and we must not hesitate to go eat!"

"Aye aye!" Fiona and I exclaimed at the same time, making us giggle a little bit.

"You guys will like Cookie. He's started working here relatively recently and he's a very sweet guy. Come on!!" She said, grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me along with her. My siblings and the Baudelaires followed closely and I saw them looking at me with knowing smirks as I glanced back at them. I shrugged, smiling wide as I chose to accept it.

The chef was a big man with a prosthetic leg. When he turned around, I saw he had a big beard and his eyes lit up at the sight of my family. The emotion was clearly reciprocated as they scrambled to hug him.

"Phil!!!" They exclaimed in unison.

"Kids!!!" He said, smiling and letting out a wheezy laugh.

"You know eachother?"

"They worked at the lumber mill with me before I left!" The chef answered happily. "Sweetest kids I've ever met, they are!! And look! You're still together!"

Duncan, Izzie, and the Baudelaires smiled at that.

It's going to be a good month...

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