Chapter 58: Boss Fight

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*Duncan's POV*

I woke up being shaken like a ragdoll, which is never a pleasant way to wake up, but it happens a lot in this family for one reason or another...

"Duncan, wake up!!!" Violet whisper-shouted.

"Klaus is gone!" Izzie added.

"Oh no..." I said, shooting up out of my seat. Violet already had Sunny and we left the dorm, not even bothering to shut the door behind us.

"The factory door is open," Violet pointed out. We speedwalked over and heard voices talking.

"One more accident, and you're mine." Count Olaf said.

"And this will be the worst accident the mill has seen yet!" Foreman Flacutono, or more accurately, Max the bald henchman, exclaimed.

"Now, you lucky brat, would you like to send that log into that saw?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Klaus, no!" I screamed, seeing Charles tied to the log.

"Don't do it!"

"Stop, please!!!"

Count Olaf turned to us with a smug look. "Well well well! If it isn't the other four. You're just in time to see the accident."

"It's not an accident; it's murder!"

"Let's not split hairs. That's Klaus' job."

Violet set Sunny down near the stamping machine as we carefully moved closer, each trying to consider what our course of action would be.

"And you can scream all you want. He isn't here right now, and I know it makes you sad, but that's the price you pay when you're attached to something." I looked at Violet and Izzie and they seemed to be thinking the same thing. We started running at them, but Max blocked our path, making us stop. Olaf grabbed Violet and me with both our wrists in each of his hands and Max did the same to Isadora. "Poor little orphans," Olaf teased. "Haven't you learned anything these last couple months? Wherever you go, I will be waiting. Wherever you hide, I will hunt you down. I'm smarter. I'm pluckier. I'm stronger! I'm the one in control." He turned to Klaus.

"Lucky Boy, would you like to send that log into that saw?" He asked again.

"Yes, Sir." He answered, and pushed a lever that started up the machine.

Olaf laughed maniacally. "I'm unstoppable!!!" He exclaimed proudly.

"Why do you hate us so much!?"
"Because it's fun!" He answered gleefully. "How are you doing back there, Charles?"

"Oh! Just peachy!!!" Charles replied, lifting his head up to smile and lying back down.

"Oh, just wait 'til Sir finds out that his partner's been turned into human boards!" Max laughed. "I bet he won't even wait until morning to fire-" He cut himself off and winced. Olaf glared at him, disappointed. "Oops?" He said with a nervous chuckle.

Charles wiggled around a bit on the log. "Where am I!? What's going on?! Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Oh, dear!" He started screaming.

"'Fire!'" Izzie screamed. "The secret word is fire! Fire! Fire! Klaus, fire!!! Turn off the machine!!!" She pleaded. Klaus wasn't responding though, and continued to send Charles into the log. It was a horrifying sight, even though I knew this wasn't the real Klaus.

Olaf laughed. "Nice try, but did you really think we'd use the same word on the bookworm that we used on the mill workers? You will never find the word to save Klaus, and you certainly won't find it in time to save Charles.

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