Chapter 95: Happy Birthday!

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*Klaus' POV*

The morning of my thirteenth birthday was bittersweet, if there was a word for it. The day before, I had brought up that it was upsetting to think that Mother and Father weren't here to celebrate it. They wouldn't be there for any other birthdays or important events either. Jerome and Charles wanted to try to help sort of soothe that sad realization, and asked if we had any special birthday traditions. Long story short, Violet and I almost cried over blueberry pancakes since Mother used to make them for breakfast on our birthdays. It was partly because we were sad for obvious reasons, but also because we were happy to see our new guardians trying so hard to cheer us up. In the afternoon, we went to see a movie the two had been talking about and got lunch. I had a salad since I was trying to save room after being informed the restaurant we were going to get dinner at had really good food. Overall, it was a nice morning and afternoon despite my hate for our past in the back of my mind. I normally didn't like special treatment that much, or at the very least I could live without it, but after the bullshit I had to endure for far too long, I convinced myself I fully deserved some spoiling.

I never considered myself to be a spoiled kid, of course, but I could always appreciate some luxury. I suppose that's what makes me not spoiled, cause I've always appreciated that I lived comfortably, and after what I've gone through with my family, all of us only appreciated it more.

Sweetheart's was a semi-formal restaurant and so when we had gone out shopping for clothes, we got to pick something out specifically for my birthday dinner. My sister practically forced a silly t-shirt into my hands that said "It's my birthday!" on it, saying I had to get it. I know better than to argue with my stubborn older sister, and so I also got a blazer to make it look nicer (and also somewhat hide the shirt). Violet ended up getting something purple, obviously since it had been deemed 'her color', although it was surprising to see she had gotten a high necked jumpsuit instead of some lacy dress. Surprising, but it wasn't like it looked bad on her. If I were to think about something someone else was going to wear, I'd focus more on what Isadora would wear, obviously.

The restaurant was very nice, and we sat in a large booth as soon as we checked in. I continued to look around the place, hoping Jacques, Olivia, and the Quagmires would be there soon. I had glanced at the menu to order a water, but other than that I was too excited for the rest of our family to show up to focus on anything else. I had practically rocketed out of my seat when I saw them, along with Violet since she was just as excited to see them. I was lucky I wasn't drinking anything cause I would have spit it out when I saw Izzie. She was wearing a pink dress with a flowy skirt and the whole thing was covered in lace with flowers that also kinda draped over her upper arms. I'm not good at describing fashion in detail, but I'm just trying to get my point across that my jaw nearly dropped down to the floor.

"My god, you look outstanding..." I remember I couldn't stop myself from saying.

Isadora giggled. "Thank you! I hoped you'd like that I got all dolled up for you!" She grinned widely. "I missed you so much..."

"I missed you too," I said, pulling her into a hug, being careful not to mess up her hair.

I laughed a little when we pulled apart. "Those shoes are kinda tall, don't you think?"

"They're only three inch heels, I know how to walk in them!"

"You're still shorter than me with them," I snickered. "I like it..." She tried to hide her smile with a pout.

"Gee, you turn thirteen and suddenly you gain a little confidence," she teased. "C'mon, let's go sit down."

I nodded in agreement. "So what's it like living with Jacques and Olivia so far?" I asked.

"It's great!" She chirped. "For the first time in my entire life, I have my own room!!!"

"That's really awesome, Izzie! I'm happy for you!"

"Thank you! The walls are pink and there's a great bookcase and a desk and my bed is so comfy and covered in plushies!" Her excitement made me smile more and more.

"It sounds perfect for you," I chuckled, letting her in to sit next to me. "Jerome's penthouse is really big, so I also have my own room."

"That's cool!"

"It is! And the library is really well stocked."

The dinner went extremely well, and I really liked my meal. Jacques informed us that the owner was also the head chef, which impressed the hell out of me. Running the kitchen, and the entire business? Wow.

It was time for presents, which I was honestly excited for (although being with family was enough of a present). Naturally, it was mostly books. Jerome and Charles gave me two books, three books and a new pair of glasses from my sisters, four books from the Quagmires and their new guardians, and after all that was over, Isadora slipped me one more small present.

I unwrapped the small package to find a small dark blue notebook kind of like hers and Duncan's. I bit the inside of my cheek with a small smile.

"Open it," she added with a quiet giggle.

There was a little poem inside on the first page along with lots of little doodles. I grinned and read the poem silently.

Here, hopes and dreams
Are always on the rise.
When you're with family
You're helped to see
Life through loving eyes.

Happy birthday, I love you :D

I beamed, putting my arm around Izzie to pull her closer and kissing her temple. "Thank you, it's great," I mumbled. "I'll use it all the time."

"I know you will," she giggled.

I liked that she put the poem on the opening page. It would always remind me of one thing: Family comes first.

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