Chapter 82: Trip to the Big Top

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*Violet's POV*

After classes ended for the day, Duncan and I went to pick up Sunny and we lugged ourselves to our dorm room. Since S.O.R.E. had started, we would normally take very, very long naps, which had ultimately destroyed our sleep schedules. We knew Izzie wanted us to get all our stuff ready to go, but we had no idea how serious she was until we had entered the living room.

"Good, you guys are here," Isadora said, moving around as if she wasn't completely exhausted like the rest of us. "Please go get your things ready for tomorrow. It won't take us long, at least. We can talk about a plan of action once we're done." She added before withdrawing to our bedroom.

"She's been like this since lunch," Klaus explained, setting his and Izzie's spyglass on his folded clothes and spare uniform. "I'm a little worried where in the world this energy is from..."

"She's seriously beginning to scare me too," Quigley admitted. "I guess seeing me hurt set off a running away arc."

"The last time we did that, it didn't end well." I noted.

"We didn't do proper planning last time," Isadora called from the other room. "We'll have an idea of what to do this time. Hurry up. I have ideas and I think better out loud."

"See? No stopping her until we do what she says," Quigley said, and shrugged. "I have good news though. I talked to-"

"Pack then plan," Izzie called again. "Pack, then plan."

I quickly gathered my things so Izzie would calm down. We had all our things in our bags, and simply just wouldn't open them, not like we'd be awake enough to pay attention to the lesson to grab things from them tomorrow.

"Alright," Izzie said once we were all gathered around. "Before I share, what are we thinking?"

"'Who do we think we're kidding?'" I offered, only getting a glare.

"I'm dead serious, Violet," Isadora said. "This is, from what I see, the best course of action."

"When are we leaving?" Klaus asked.

"Tomorrow during lunch," Izzie said.

"Nerluch!" Sunny commented, meaning 'Genghis has been eating lunch with Nero a lot recently, I've noticed.'

"Perfect, he's distracted then. Quigley has good news."

"I know where we're going and how we're getting there." He said proudly.



"I talked to Olivia, and asked her what to do- originally, our conversation had started with me asking her for advice on how to calm down Isadora, no offense- but she said she'd drive us wherever we need to go. She's too good to be true, I swear... I know exactly where we're going. We're going to Calagari Carnival! It's near the mountains."

"Quigley," I said, "why would we run away to a circus?"

"No, no, no! It's a V.F.D. circus."

We all gave him looks like he'd said the most completely bonkers thing ever...

"... Elaborate?" Klaus requested.

"Calagari Carnival is like a trading post for secrets and information," he explained. "Jacques' sister, Kit, works there as a fortune teller. She's so cool, and she's married to this cousin of our mother's that we've never met before. His name is Dewey, so she'll let you call her Aunt Kit when you warm up to her. That's what I call her."

After a long beat of silence, Duncan finally spoke up. "That's too much information for a group of people willing to fall asleep standing at this point..."

"It'll make sense with more sleep," Quigley claimed, "and it's a bit of a long drive."

Klaus stood up. "You two aren't, like, serious serious about running away, are you??"

Isadora stood up as well, but wasn't satisfied at how her lack of height wasn't intimidating and grabbed Klaus by the tie to bring him down to her level. "Do I look like I'm joking?" She asked, giving him an un-amused look.

"No... No you do not..."

"Exactly," she muttered, and let him sit back down.

"What do we do about S.O.R.E. tonight?" I asked carefully once she seemed to calm down.

"We'll have to go. We can't afford any suspicion."

"But, Izzie-" Duncan began.

"No. No 'but's. I've been quiet and agreeable this whole week, preserving my leftover energy for something important. I haven't talked back to Carmelita once. She's not important. I haven't spoken up in class. That's not important! This is what I want to spend my energy on! We're getting nowhere trying to find out Olaf's plan, so now we make our own plans. And, come on, is there a book you've read about an orphan that didn't run away? It's what we do! If literature taught us anything, it's that-"

"It's that running away only seems to cause more trouble to the orphans." Duncan interrupted her. Isadora sighed in frustration.

"Maybe it'll be different," Isadora said. "Maybe... Maybe we're lucky enough that it'll work out."

There was a long moment of silence. 'Lucky'... It was usually used in a hypothetical scenario when it came to us. And we remembered Phil (except for Quigley, who hadn't met him), and how he had said we were lucky enough not to be separated.

Izzie finally spoke up, and left us with her last words of encouragement in the form of a couplet.

"There is zero time for sorrow; We are running off tomorrow."

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