Chapter 64: Time For School

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*Isadora's POV*

We collected our keys from the front desk and the lady there apologized for there only being three keys, explaining that there's usually five per dorm just in case, but two got lost. We promised we could make it work, and added that we never really split off on our own anyways. The keys had the number "43" on them, which was supposed to correlate with our dorm number. We walked out to the gravestone-shaped buildings and followed signs that showed where each one was. We finally found Dormitory 43 and Klaus unlocked the door. It was pretty nice inside, with a good sized living room and a table in the corner with some nice looking chairs. There was a birdcage the size of a baby crib in the corner, but it was empty. I hoped it was always empty and something hadn't happened to the birds. There was an empty bookcase against the wall, which I had mixed feelings about. On one hand, it meant we only had our personal books to read aside from those we checked out from the library, but on the other hand, if staying here worked out, we could ask Mr. Poe for more books for birthdays and holidays if he asks about gifts. I wouldn't expect him to, but it'd be a nice idea to think about, I guess.

There were two bedrooms, one with two beds and another with three, so naturally the boys took the first and us girls took the second. I think Sunny was probably tired of sharing space with us by this point. We had stored our clothing in our Prufrock bags, so we put our own clothes and our spare uniforms into the dressers in the rooms. There was a little clock on top of it that showed the time was 10:17.

"We should head back soon," I commented as I sat on the couch. "Nero said Sunny has to be there in thirteen minutes and we can look around a little more the earlier we are."

"That's a good idea," Klaus said, putting his spare novel onto the bookshelf. "We'll get more books, and this place will be home in no time, right?"

"Right," I agreed as he sat next to me. I smiled at him. This was the first time we had been alone since a few days prior. "Klaus, about the other day-"

I was about to bring it up, but Violet and Sunny came out of our room. "It takes a little while to walk from here to the main building," She said, not paying attention to the fact we were already in a conversation, "so I think we should leave fairly soon."

"No! Nosec!!" Sunny whined.

"Sunny, you have to..." I said. "There's probably no childcare at a school like this, and we all have classes to go to!"

"Please, Sunny?" Klaus asked. "We understand that this isn't an ideal situation, but it's all we can do..."

Sunny huffed. "Finnay..." She agreed even though she hated it. We hated it too, but it was what we had to do.

"What should we do with the extra key?" Duncan asked.

"We can leave it here," Violet said. "We really only need the two."

She put the key down on a counter near the door, handed one to me, and stuffed the last one into her pocket. We all left the dorm and I locked up behind us. Dropping Sunny off was confusing, because we couldn't step into the building or we'd be punished, but luckily our savior from earlier had arrived.

"Hello, children," Miss Caliban greeted.

"Hi, Miss Caliban!" I said. "Thank you so much for your help earlier."

"No problem!" She beamed. "I'm always happy to help. What are you doing outside the administrative building?"

"Sunny has to be Vice Principal Nero's secretary apparently," Violet said. "He said he lied to the man who's been making our arrangements about there being room for a baby so that he could have an administrative assistant."

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