Chapter 81: Fed Up

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*Isadora's POV*

Five nights of S.O.R.E. Five. The fight to stay awake was never one I won. We managed to be on time for classes, but never for meals. Olivia got us water bottles because we didn't get cups anymore. The five of us barely interacted except to wake eachother up, and the exhaustion was getting to us more and more. Our grades and Sunny's secretarial duties had fallen by the wayside... No, they had fallen off the wayside. We couldn't catch up if we tried. Quigley still hadn't thought of what Genghis' scheme was, and we couldn't blame him. He was working on this by himself, while having to deal with Klaus and Violet's grumpy asses (the poor things got so easily provoked when they were sleep deprived), and the fact that the exercises never changed stumped him more and more. We'd help him but we were positively exhausted.

"I'm positively exhausted..." I mumbled.

"Tell me about it..." Duncan said against his arms.

"Stapima!" Sunny complained, telling us about how she's running out of staples and she'll need to make more since Nero won't buy them for her due to 'poor work ethic'.

"That's so much bullshit!" Violet exclaimed.

"You shouldn't have to be doing the work of an adult; you should be in a daycare! It's not fair!"

"Duncan," Klaus said, "In case you haven't noticed, literally nothing about this school is 'fair'!"

"I know..."

"This is ridiculous..." I mumbled. It was probably the only time I spoke all day and it was already lunch.

"Ridiculous means you want to laugh at it," Klaus said, not passing up the chance to define something. "You know as well as the rest of us this is nothing to laugh at."

"I just wanted to help..." I said to myself.

"He knows," Violet said to me. "He's just crabby..."

Klaus put his head on my shoulder and mumbled a small apology. I promised him it was okay and I didn't blame him for being a grumpy-pants.

"I wish I didn't get so irritable. Quigley tried to literally drag me out of bed yesterday and I almost smacked him. In a week-ish, I'll be as nasty as Carmelita Spats..."

"You'll never be as nasty as Carmelita," I told him and held his hand for reassurance.

A tray slammed onto the table beside me. "It's impossible to be as nasty as the personification of evil." Quigley grumbled above us and sat down. Violet and Duncan looked up at him and gasped.

"Oh my god!"

"Quigley, what happened!?"

I quickly turned to look at my brother and he had a giant bruise forming on his face. "Holy shit, Quigs!!!" I exclaimed, suddenly much more awake.

"Are you okay??" Klaus asked.


"Yeah, Carmelita did this. Fucking bitch... She explained to Genghis that I'm alive, and now she gets to beat me up daily. She even named her fists: Harmelita and Carmebeata. So stupid..."

That was the final straw.

"That's it," I said, and everyone turned to me, surprised to hear the enraged tone in my voice when I had been so quiet recently. "We are running away and we're doing it tomorrow afternoon. Non-negotiable. Be ready to pack your shit after lunch."

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