Chapter 69: Walking to Class

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*Isadora's POV*

Klaus, Quigley, and I were walking to class talking about how much we hate the school. Such a new topic, I know, but whatever. Violet had told me she and Duncan might walk to breakfast early this morning, so I wasn't that surprised to find them missing. I've practically been speedrunning the classes, mentally skipping over all the boring parts of my day. My class was easy, yeah, but the only times it was entertaining was when Klaus and I would whisper sarcastic remarks to ourselves. We were in the middle of our conversation when Klaus was shoved aside and nearly bumped into me.

"Out of my way, Cakesniffers," Carmelita huffed as she walked past.

"You got a problem!?" I asked her, stepping forward with balled fists.

"Izzie..." Klaus said softly, wanting me not to get upset over it. How could I not get upset though??

"Apologize at once, Carmelita." I said. "I've been here three days and I'm already sick and tired of you. Apologize for being a dick or I'll smack you and your ego clear into next Tuesday!"

Carmelita just laughed at me. "Aww that's adorable that you think you could. If you two cakesniffers could control your human chihuahua, that would be great."

"'Human Chihuahua?'" I repeated. "I'm afraid your insults don't make sense; you must have removed your brain to make room for filling your head with hot air."

"It's cause you're always angry, too loud, and short, you dumb cakesniffer."

"Got any better insults than 'Cakesniffer'?" I challenged her.

"O-of course I do... Loser!"

I scoffed. "Revolutionary!" I said sarcastically. "At least I could commend your go-to for being creative."

"Izzie, let's go," Quigley said. "She's not worth your time."

Klaus and Quigley had to practically drag me away from her, but we kept glaring at eachother as we walked away. "I would have beat her ass." I mumbled angrily.

"I'm sure you would have," Klaus said with a smile that I couldn't stay mad after seeing.

"Probably would have won too," Quigley said. "Here's my stop. See ya!" He gave me a hug before disappearing into the classroom.

"You know you don't have to start arguments on my behalf," Klaus said. "I could have handled the situation."

"Sorry; I just don't want anyone treating you that way," I said. "I wish I could always be there to protect you. If only I could put a little bubble around you..."

Klaus chuckled softly. "You're too precious," he said, shaking his head.

"You would have done the same for me," I said, and shrugged modestly.

"With less intent to beat someone up," he said with a small smile. I giggled.

"I would have won," I said.

"Yes, you would have," he said. "And for the record, you're not too loud and you're not always angry. Or dumb; you're very intelligent."

"Hm, how intelligent?" I asked, grinning.

Klaus laughed at my obvious fishing for compliments. "'Isadora, you are so smart and so bright; and to my life you will forever bring light.'"

I couldn't help a smile from appearing on my face. "What was that other thing she called me?" I asked, hoping for another compliment.

"Short." Klaus answered promptly.

"I'm not short, right?"

Klaus just smirked. "Come on. Can't be late for class, remember?"

"I'm not short, right?" I repeated. He continued walking to class and I tried not to giggle. "Klaus!! Get back here and say I'm not short!!" I called after him. I heard him snickering at me. "I'm not short!!"

"Grow and I'll believe you!" He called back with a grin.

He can be so childish sometimes. I love him anyways...

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