01: The Miserableness

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I don't know what we will do, I don't know when we will move on and when to start new.


I opened my eyes again and my mind are filled with many questions. Where am I? Why I'm here? Where are they? What happened? I keep asking myself, until I realized that I'm in the hospital, because I saw dextrose and many medical equipments in my room. Also the big needles in my wrist. I'll kill myself if I'm not in the hospital about what I saw.

I'm currently laying down in the hospital bed and I noticed my head. Why is there a cloth or bandages? My head kind of hurt. I take a look at my side and saw Demi, head is down in the edge of the bed and sleeping. I woke her up, shaking and calling her name, even though my voice are really cracking, due to dry throat.

"Ari?!" Demi said and quickly hugged me.

"Yeah, I'm Ari. Did you forgot my name?" I asked as I smiled in amusement and released me in her hug.

What happened to her? She looks very pale and stressed. Her eyes are swelling. This is the Demi I've seen before when Joe cheated or dumped her. Very lifeless and not on her own.

"What happened to you?" I asked and she wiped the tears coming out from her eyes.

"Nothing. It's just you made me worried and after six days you finally woke up." She said and gave a broken smile.

"What!? I slept for six days!?" I asked in disbelief and I wished I grew taller.

"Yes, because of your head." She said, pointing on my bandaged head.

"Why I'm here and what is this fucking cloth doing in my head?" I asked and she cried again.

"You don't remembered aren't you?" She asked.

"About what?" I asked.

"Six days ago, in the resort." She said and tears fell from my eyes.

I remembered that time. I remembered the most painful thing I've ever seen and experienced. He made me like an idiot who believed in him, that he would never hurt me. That's the worst, our monthsary break up. Taylor won, congrats to her or to them.

Every single detail of that day and that time is in my head, keep circulating, it keeps repeating. I can't stand the image of it. I can't even think that it would happen to me and to us.

"Please stop crying..." Demi said and hugged me again.

"They're fucking shits!" I shouted and gone wild.

"Please, calm down." Demi said as she sobs again and hugged me tighter, so I can't move.

"They played me! He cheated on me!" I yelled as I cry out loud.

"What did I do to them!? Am I not enough for him!?" I shouted again.

After minutes of yelling and being wild, Demi finally calmed me down. I'm just sobbing and my body can't take the physical pain even the pain inside of me. I don't even know of that pain will just stay there forever.

"Demi, did I do something wrong being his girlfriend?" I asked while sobbing a little.

"No, you almost gave it all. Any single of it is worth it, but not to him." Demi said.

"How are you now, with Niall?" I asked and she cries. "Demi what's the problem?" I asked as I hold her hand, caressing it.

"We're over..." Demi said and starts breaking down.

What the, they're over? But, before I almost died they're waiting for their monthsary. They are happy that time. What happened? So now we're both broken.

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