11: The Lunch

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It's time to give back what they gave to me, all the pains, grudges, and hurts, it will strike back straight to them.


They all widened their eyes, after almost eight months for the boys and eleven months for the girls, not seeing me. I will make their lunch in hell, except Ely, Louis Sophia, Perrie, Liam and Zayn. But the rest, get ready. For Demi, it is Niall and Selena.

I can feel Harry's gaze on me and Taylor's death glare on me. But why do I care? No matter on how they look to me, I only look them on one way, of them being a bitch and an asshole.

"Guys, I'm not a picture, right?" I said and smiled at them.

After that, Perrie, Ely and Sophia stood up and hugged us. Wow. I missed this three. After that, they went back to their sit and we sat in our table. I was one seat apart away from Harry who's sitting beside her slug girlfriend, because their table is beside us. While Demi is one seat apart also away from Niall, who's sitting beside her girlfriend, Selena? I don't know, I'm not sure and don't care.

We start giving our orders and while me and Demi are waiting. I'm getting bored, I should let the show start, to piss Taylor and Harry. Well, Demi, she can take care of others, mostly Selena.

Now I can finally see the two. Harry, well still him, nothing much happened. He is still handsome and hot but that doesn't affect me anymore. Taylor, of course, still a love seeker, desperate bitch.

"So, T. Swift, how long you and Harry together?" I said with a fake smile, then the rest are shocked about my question.

"Eight months and still counting." She said and gave me a fucking smirk.

"Oh, when is the break up?" I asked seriously but a bit enthusiastically with matching innocence.

Demi stared at me and the rest of them was jaw dropped. Taylor didn't answer and start gripping the glass of water tight and looking at me like she wants to kill me. But I saw Harry holding her hand tight. That's better.

"I'm just joking. Don't worry too much. You too Taylor, I'm not doing what you did to me or to us." I said and smiled.

"I know, because if you will, I can kill." She said in her gritted teeth as I can see er blue eyes piercing on mine.

"Uhm... Angry much or threatened?" I teased, smiling and raising my eyebrow. I'm enjoying this.

"I'm not, neither the two and I don't let myself threatened by a slut." She said.

But Harry hold her hand tight, don't know what to do. While all of them are silent, listening to our burning words.

"So, I'm a slut, huh? How about I'll call you a whore? Fair?" I said and smirked.

"I'm not a whore, you bitch!" Taylor shouted and I love seeing her like this.

"Really? Because since I was born, you're the worst person I saw. Worse than the murderer, kidnapper or any criminal. You know what, if there's a case that can file if someone cheated, both of you are inside of jail." I said to Harry and Taylor, pointing at them.

"Ariana, can you please shut up!?" Harry yelled at me, making me smile in amusement.

"Why? And I'm not your maid or slave to be commanded by you, retard. And you Harry, you're still good looking, very opposite of your insides." I said and chuckled as I take a sip of the glass of water.

"Damn it, Ariana, shut the fuck up! You're making this horrible!" Selena shouted out of nowhere, making some of them jump.

"So, it's three against me?" I said and smirked.

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